Student Central Landing Pages

Configure the Student Central landing pages to provide a personalized experience for each user.

Each role has its own Student Central landing page. The page is composed of widgets designed to anticipate what the user needs and deliver just-in-time tasks and status information. Institutions can configure the page designs and the widget behavior.

A Student Central landing page is composed of page elements called widgets. Let's look at the widgets.

To-dos: Provides a list of urgent tasks and a quick and easy way to complete them.

  • Tasks assigned to the user appear here.

  • Tasks display in order of latest due date.

  • Click a task card to activate the slide up view where the user can complete the task.

  • When a task is marked complete, it no longer displays in the widget.

  • A quick link to the student’s task and checklist page is available on the last task card in the widget.

Academics: Displays calls to action about a student’s course schedule. A student can view prompts and follow links to complete their course scheduling and enrollment activities.

Finances: Displays status and call to action for a student’s finances.

  • Provides a summary of a student’s financial standing.

  • A Pay Now button displays when there’s a balance that must be paid.

  • Configure widget to show Total Balance or Next Due Amount.

  • A quick link to the student’s finances page is available in the widget.

Applications: Displays status and call to action for an applicant’s program applications.

  • Displays a list of all admissions applications.

  • Displays the status of each application.

  • The Continue button takes the applicant to their in-progress application in one click.

Helpful Links: Provides a list of helpful links defined by the administrator.

  • An administrator can add links to any destination.

  • An administrator can organize links into categories.

  • The widget title can be configured.

  • Clicking on a link opens a new tab with the destination.

Now let's look at configuration. Only higher education application administrators can configure Student Central landing pages and widgets.

Assign Role Permission to Widgets

Widget permission settings depend on the type of role:

  • Predefined roles have predefined access to Student Central and to widgets that are appropriate for the role.

  • User-defined roles must be granted access to Student Central and to the widgets that display on their landing page.

Use the Manage Application Access task to view or configure widget access by role:

  1. Search for Application Access. Or, click Assign Roles from the Details tab for a widget or the Design tab in the Student Central Configurations page.

  2. Select the User Experience functional area.

  3. In the Student Central row, click the ellipses and click Assign Page Access to Roles.

An example of a predefined role is the Student role. An administrator can view the widgets this role has access to, but can't change the access.

For a user-defined role, select the role and then select or deselect View to make a widget available or unavailable.

Configure Widget Default Settings

From Student Central, click Search and search for Student Central Widgets. Select a widget.

For the To-dos widget, you can set the number of display rows. And for the Finances widget, you can set the display amount.

The Student Central widgets are dependent on the feature areas from which they draw data to present to the user. The user role must be granted access for both the widget and the feature it depends on:

  • The To-Dos widget depends on Tasks and Checklists.

  • The Applications widget depends on Application Forms.

  • The Finances widget depends on Finances.

The Helpful Links widget doesn't have dependencies.

To view the Academics widget, a student must have an account and must be enrolled in a program or a course. The student needs access to the Academics page and the Course Schedule.

Configure Student Central Landing Pages

From Student Central, click Search and search for Student Central Configurations. Select a landing page.

Here's what you can view:

  • The details of the page.

  • The design of the page.

  • A preview of the page design in desktop, mobile, tablet portrait, or tablet landscape format.

  • The versions of the page: drafts, unpublished versions, and the currently published version.

The Versions tab is your starting point when you want to edit a Student Central landing page.

For example, here's how you make a change to a published page:

  1. On the Versions tab, select the published version.

  2. From the Actions menu, create a draft.

  3. Make your changes. For example, here are the changes you can make on the Design tab:

    • Edit widgets. You might add a new link to the Helpful Links widget for example.

    • Add or hide widgets.

    • Move widgets up and down the page.

  4. Use the Preview tab to review the changes you made.

  5. Save your changes and then publish to make the updated page available to users.

Here's some things to keep in mind when you edit pages:

  • The action you can take depends on the page status:

    • Create Draft for published or unpublished versions.

    • Edit for draft versions.

  • The Publish button is available for drafts only.