Admissions Coordinator (Job Role)

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Role Hierarchy

The Admissions Coordinator job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Admissions Coordinator
    • Customer Payment Instrument Management

    • Download data for Admissions Export

    • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Functional Setups User
      • Functional Setups

    • Student Party Maintenance
      • Student Party View

    • Upload data for Admissions Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Admissions Coordinator job role.

Duty Role Description

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Download data for Admissions Export

Allows to download data exported from Admissions related data.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Student Party Maintenance

Reviews and updates the party information of students.

Student Party View

Reviews the party information of students.

Upload data for Admissions Import

Allows to upload data file to import Admissions related data.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Admissions Coordinator job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Administer Admissions Application

Allows administration of admissions applications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Administer Customer Accounts

Create and view the user's customer account. Also update the customer account relationship.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Administer User Registration

Allows administration of user registrations.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Apply Manual Discount

Allows an administrator to manually apply a discount to an account.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Assign Person Tags

Allows assignment of person tags.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Assign Service Indicators

Allows assignment of administrative service indicators.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Cancel Admissions Application

Allows a user to cancel an admissions application.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Create Organization Record

Allows creation of an organization record.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Create Task and Checklist Assignments

Allows assignment of tasks and checklists.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Edit National Identifier Information

Allows editing of national identifier information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Establish Applicant Record

Allows creation, search, or review of an applicant record.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Establish Student Record

Allows creation, search, or review of a student record.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Initiate Data Loads Transformation and Validation

Allows the initiation of the data loads transformation and validation process.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Load Admissions Data

Allows loading of data for admissions.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Death Information

Allows maintenance of student death date.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Organization Contact Points

Allows maintenance of organization contact points.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Organization Contacts

Allows maintenance of organization contacts.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Organization Locations

Allows maintenance of organization location.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Organization Names

Allows maintenance of organization names.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Privacy Information

Allows maintenance of private information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Citizenship and Passport Information

Allows maintenance of student citizenship and passport information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Contact Information

Allows maintenance of student contact information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Emergency Contacts

Allows maintenance of student emergency contacts.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Ethnicity Information

Allows maintenance of student ethnicity information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Gender Identity

Allows maintenance of student gender identity.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Identifying Demographic Information

Allows maintenance of student demographic information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Licenses and Certifications

Allows maintenance of student licenses and certifications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Military Status

Allows maintenance of student military status.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Names

Allows maintenance of student name.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Residency Official Information

Allows maintenance of student residency official information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Maintain Student Visa Information

Allows maintenance of student visa information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Action Reasons

Allows management of actions and action reasons for admissions applications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Admissions Application

Allows management of admissions applications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Applicant Household Information

Allows management of applicant household information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Applicant Recommender Information

Allows management of applicant recommender information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Applicant Residency Information

Allows management of applicant residency information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Common Staging Data for Data Loads

Allows management of staging data loaded through file loads.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Communication Preferences

Allows management of communication preferences.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Communication Templates

Allows management of communication templates.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Communications

Allows management of student management communications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Data Loads File Layouts

Allows the management of data loads file layouts.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage External Admissions Application Files

Allows management of external admissions application files.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage External Organizations

Allows management of external organizations.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Imported Records for Data Loads

Allows management of imported records for data loads.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage National Identifier

Allows management of all national identifiers.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Organization Contacts

Allows management of organization contacts.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Organization Identifiers

Allows management of organization identifiers.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Organization Locations

Allows management of organization locations.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Person Test

Allows management of tests selected by a person for individual processes.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Student Management Person Image

Allows management of person image in student management offering.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Student Management Rule Test Cases

Allows management of rule test cases.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Student Official Residency

Allows management of student official residencies.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Task Notifications

Allows management of task notifications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Manage Tasks and Checklists

Allows management of tasks and checklists.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Process Data Loads

Allows loading of data from external files into application tables.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Reassign Tasks and Checklists

Allows an administrative user to reassign a task or checklist from one user to another.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Revert Admissions Application

Allows a user to revert an admissions application.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Run Student Management Queries

Allows running student management queries and viewing query results.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Run Student Management Rule Test Cases

Allows rule test cases to be run.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Search Person Profile

Allows searching for an existing person profile in student management.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Search for Organization Record

Allows searching for an organization record.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Search for Student Applicant Record

Allows search of applicant records.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Update Deceased Information

Allows update of deceased information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Update Task and Checklist Assignments

Allows updating of assigned tasks and checklists statuses.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Admissions Application

Allows viewing of admissions applications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Admissions Application Action Reasons

Allows a user to view the action reasons used for admissions applications.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View All Task and Checklist Assignments

Allows viewing of all task and checklist assignments.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Data Registry

Allows viewing of student management data registry.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Deceased Information

Allows viewing of deceased information.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View External Organizations

Allows viewing of external organizations.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Geography Information

Not Available

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View National Identifier

Allows viewing of all national identifiers.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Organization Contacts

Allows viewing of organization contacts.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Organization Identifiers

Allows viewing of organization identifiers.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Organization Locations

Allows viewing of organization locations.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Person Test

Allows viewing of tests selected by a person for individual processes.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Recipient's Response to a Communication

Allows a user to view a recipient's response to a communication.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Self-Service Communications

Allows viewing of communications in self-service.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Self-Service Student Account

View self-service student transactions.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Student Management Forms

Allows viewing of form definitions for the form builder tool.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Student Management Home Page Setups

Allows viewing of Student Management home page setups.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Student Management Queries

Allows viewing of student management queries.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Student Management Query Consumers

Allows viewing of all consumers of student management queries.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Student Management Rules

Allows viewing of student management rules.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Task and Checklist Assignments

Allows viewing of assigned tasks and checklists.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

View Trading Community Location

Allows the invocation of location web services.

Admissions Coordinator

Individual responsible for coordinating student admissions.

Withdraw Admissions Application

Allows a user to withdraw an admissions application.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Bank and Bank Branch

Allows managing of external banks and bank branches.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage External Payer Payment Details

Allows management of payer payment details.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Card

Allows management of payment cards.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Payment Card

Allows viewing of payment cards.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Customer Payment Instrument Management

Manages customer bank accounts and credit cards and other payment details.

View Third Party Bank Account Assignment

Allows viewing of payment instrument assignments.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Execute Setup Tasks

Allows setup task execution and searching of tasks and tasks lists.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Applications Offering

Provides access to the Getting Started page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Review Setups Functional User Overview

Allows access to the Assigned Implementation Tasks page.

Functional Setups

Uses the functional user overview, and assigned tasks, and task lists.

Setup and Maintain Applications

Allows access to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Admissions Coordinator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Admissions Application

A Admissions Coordinator can manage admissions application for all applications

Role: Admissions Coordinator

Privilege: Manage Admissions Application (Data)

Resource: Admissions Application

Person Test

A Admissions Coordinator can manage person test for all person tests

Role: Admissions Coordinator

Privilege: Manage Person Test (Data)

Resource: Person Test

Person Test Score

A Admissions Coordinator can manage person test score for all person test scores

Role: Admissions Coordinator

Privilege: Manage Person Test Score (Data)

Resource: Person Test Score

Trading Community Organization Party

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Customer Payment Instrument Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Party

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Customer Payment Instrument Management

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Relationship

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Resource Profile

An Admissions Coordinator can update trading community resource for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Update Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile

Trading Community Resource Profile

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community resource for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Resource (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Resource Profile


This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Admissions Coordinator job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Trading Community Citizenship

An Admissions Coordinator can manage trading community person citizenship number for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Citizenship Number (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Citizenship

Trading Community Citizenship

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person citizenship number for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Citizenship Number (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Citizenship

Trading Community Party

An Admissions Coordinator can manage trading community person social security for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Social Security (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person social security for all people in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Social Security (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

An Admissions Coordinator can manage trading community person additional identifier for all identifiers in the enterprise

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Additional Identifier (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person additional identifier for all identifiers in the enterprise

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Additional Identifier (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Additional Identifier

Trading Community Person Address

An Admissions Coordinator can manage trading community person address for personal addresses

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Trading Community Person Address

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person address for personal addresses

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Address (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address

Trading Community Person E-Mail

An Admissions Coordinator can manage trading community person contact for personal e-mail

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person E-Mail

Trading Community Person E-Mail

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person contact for personal e-mail

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person E-Mail

Trading Community Person Phone

An Admissions Coordinator can manage trading community person contact for personal phone numbers

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone

An Admissions Coordinator can manage trading community person mobile phone number for all trading community person mobile phone numbers

Role: Student Party Maintenance

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person contact for personal phone numbers

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone

An Admissions Coordinator can view trading community person mobile phone number for all trading community person mobile phone numbers

Role: Student Party View

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone