Set Up Included Warranty Renewal

When they want to renew an included warranty to be an extended warranty, salespeople use the Renew action available on the subscription. You must do some setups for this functionality to work:

  1. Sign in as a setup user and navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Open the Tasks side panel and click Search.

  3. Search for and select the Manage Standard Lookups task.

  4. Search for the EGP_RELATIONSHIP_TYPES lookup.

  5. In the Lookup Codes section, click the Add icon.

  6. In the Lookup Code field, enter OSS_EXTENDED_WARRANTY.

  7. Click the Enabled check box.

  8. In the Meaning field, enter Extended Warranty.

  9. In the Description field, enter the Extended warranty item.

  10. Click Save and Close.

After configuring the lookup value, you must associate an extended warranty item with a product in the included warranty item relationships. To associate an extended warranty item with a product:

  1. Navigate to Product Management > Product Information Management .

  2. Select the included warranty item related to your goods item.

  3. In Relationship tab, select the Type as Extended Warranty.

To terminate included warranties, you must close the covered asset and do data updates:

  1. In Asset Lifecycle Management, end date the asset related to the warranty.
  2. Run the Reprocess Installed base Updates scheduled process.
  3. Run the Process Customer Asset Updates scheduled process.
  4. Run the Update Subscription Status scheduled process after two days of customer asset return or termination, in order to get the respective covered asset status updated to Closed.
Note: Included warranties take their end dates from the subscription end date and cannot be modified.