Update Warranty Effectivity Based on Asset Installation Date

You can update the warranty effectivity date of an asset in cases where the asset’s shipment date and installation date are different. This lets you give the actual warranty time to the customer.

By default, the included warranty of an asset starts when the user starts using the asset. For some assets, like laptops, that don’t need to be installed, the included warranty starts on the date of purchase. However, for other assets that need to be shipped from one location to another or that require installation by a field service engineer, the start date of the included warranty should factor in the transit time, and the time taken for the field service engineer to install the machine.

You can match the warranty start date to the shipment date or to the installed date by updating the install date.

Let’s consider an example where an asset which requires installation is created along with its included warranty:

Shipment Date Included Warranty Warranty Start Date Warranty End Date
January 14, 2022 1 year January 14, 2022 January 13, 2023

In this example, a field service engineer completes the installation on February 1, 2022, so the installed date is updated to February 1, 2022.

Since the installed date has been changed, the warranty start date should reflect that change and get updated to February 01, 2022 through January 31, 2023.

Here’s how to change the warranty date in this case:

  1. Go to Subscription Management and click Subscription Configuration.
  2. Navigate to Asset Lifecycle Management and click Manage Assets.
  3. Search for the asset and navigate to the Sales Order Details tab.
  4. Update the Installed Date field.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Navigate to Asset Lifecycle Management and click Reprocess Installed Base Updates.
  7. To search for asset transactions, select:

    • Asset Transaction Type: Customer asset warranty date synchronization

    • Status: Pending

  8. Click Submit
    Note: If any asset transactions fail with error, select the transactions then submit them again.
  9. After the process completes, navigate to Manage Assets and open the asset you updated.
  10. Navigate to the Subscription tab and then to the included warranty subscription.
  11. In the covered level of the subscription, you can see the updated start date and end date of the included warranty.
  12. Schedule the Process Installed Base Updates process, which processes the asset transactions to update the effectivities of the included warranty subscriptions. You can also schedule this process to run regularly, so that the application automatically updates the warranty effectivity based on the asset install date.
Note: When an RMA is performed for an old asset and a shipment is performed on a new asset, the old asset is removed from Installed Base and new asset is added to Installed Base. In reprocess Installed base assets, only one transaction is shown.Only a replacement transaction is created for the paird transaction in Service Logistics.