How do I enable Subscription 360 in accounts?

The Subscriptions subtab in the sales Accounts details page, also known as Subscription 360, summarizes information about subscriptions owned by a customer.

Salespeople can use the Subscription 360 page to see active subscriptions, draft subscriptions, subscriptions about to expire, and monthly recurring revenue of active subscriptions. Salespeople can also use it to create and manage subscriptions and review key metrics. The Subscription 360 task flow can be embedded in Account, Contact, or Household objects.

Note: Subscription 360 is only available in the Account details page.

To enable the Subscriptions subtab in the Account details page:

  1. Sign in to the application as a setup user.

  2. Ensure that you're working in an active sandbox.

  3. Navigate to Application Composer in the Configuration category.

  4. In the navigation tree, expand Standard Objects, expand Account, and click Pages.

  5. Ensure that the Simplified Pages tab is selected.

  6. In the Details Page Layout section, duplicate the Standard layout.

  7. Enter a new layout name, and click Save and Edit.

    The Details Layout page appears.

  8. Click Add in the Subtabs region.

    The Create Subtab page appears.

  9. Select Mashup Content and click Next.

    The Select Mashup Content page appears.

  10. Click Task Flows.

  11. Select Subscriptions and click Insert.

    The Task Flows page appears.

  12. Enter Subscriptions as the Display Label.

    This subtab appears on the Account details page.

  13. Click the default image and select an appropriate image to change the default image on the subtab.

  14. Select Registry ID as the Party Number.

  15. Click Save and Close.

  16. On the Details Layout page, click Done.

  17. Ensure that the layout status for your new layout is Active.

  18. As a salesperson or sales manager, navigate to Sales > Accounts to test the changes. Verify that you can see the Subscriptions subtab on the Edit Account page.

  19. Publish the sandbox according to your company's business practices.

Configure the Subscriptions Role for Salespeople

Salespeople working with accounts might not have access to the Subscriptions page. In such a scenario, even if they can see Subscription subtab, also known as Subscription 360, on the Accounts page, they can't view, create, or edit subscriptions.

To enable Subscriptions 360 for salespeople:

  1. Sign in to the application as an administrator with the IT Security Manager (ORA_FND_IT_SECURITY_MANAGER_JOB) role.

  2. Click Navigator > Security Console.

  3. Search for the role to which you want to grant Subscription Management permissions.

  4. On the Function Security page, click Add Function Security Policy.

  5. In the Add Function Security Policy dialog box, search for the View Subscriptions for an Account privilege.

  6. Click Add Privilege to Role.

  7. Click Next to go to the Data Security Policy page.

  8. Click Create Data Security Policy.

  9. In the Create Data Security Policy dialog box:

    1. Enter the policy name, for example, Grant on Subscription.

    2. Select Subscription as the Database Resource.

    3. Enter start and end dates.

    4. Select the appropriate data set.

    5. Select all the available actions to grant complete access to subscription.

    6. Click OK.

  10. Click Next to the go to the Role Hierarchy page.

  11. Click Add Role and add these duty roles:

    • Subscription Amendment External

    • Subscription Authoring External

    • Subscription Search and View Access External

  12. Verify the summary information and click Submit and Close.