How can I generate invoices in Revenue Management?

After the integration with Oracle Revenue Management has been established, you need to set up service mappings to map fields between the two applications.

What are service mappings?

Service mappings let you extend the subscription data that gets sent to a destination application, such as Revenue Management.

Service mappings are divided into three categories: Entities, Sources, and Services:

  • Entities are used to create custom fields or identify standard fields that receive their input values from view object attributes identified in Sources.
  • Services are the algorithms that can be used to change or transform a field in an entity, based on Groovy script. Services define the entity attributes that can be read and written by algorithms.

Change the Service Mappings

If you change the predefined algorithm, then you need to enable the change by setting the value of the CustomizationFlag to true.

Note: You should only change the latest algorithm.

If CustomizationFlag is False

If the last-published-version algorithm variable has its CustomizationFlag as false, this means you want to process the Revenue Management data without any customizations.

If CustomizationFlag is True

If the last-published-version algorithm variable has its CustomizationFlag as true, this means you want to process the Revenue Management data with the customizations made in that version.

  1. Create a sandbox with Extensibility and Manage Service Mappings tools enabled.
  2. Enter the sandbox.
  3. Navigate to Manage Service Mappings and open Subscription RMCS Integration.
To create a custom variable in the Subscription entity:
  1. Select Subscription Entity in the Entities tab.
  2. In the details table, click the plus icon to add a custom variable
  3. If you're creating a row for SubscriptionNumber, which isn't available by default in the service mapping, enter the Attribute Name as SubscriptionNumber_Custom. Note that _Custom is mandatorily followed for custom variables. For Type, use String, since Subscription Number is a string.
  4. Click the Sources tab.
  5. Select the Subscription entity.
  6. In the child table, add a row.
  7. Select the SubscriptionNumber_Custom lookup from Entities.
  8. The name used in Subscription Entity is View Object Attribute.
  9. Go to the Services tab and select the Subscription entity. Create a row in the details table, and select SubscriptionNumber_Custom . Give it read and write operations.
  10. Navigate to the algorithm, Subscription Management and RMCS Integration.
  11. Create or select a latest version algorithm that's active. Deactivate it, and re-activate it, to move the algorithm to an in-progress state.
  12. Open the in-progress algorithm. It has two steps: Documents and Document Lines.
  13. Write a Groovy script per your business requirements.
  14. Navigate to the Variables tab and change the default expression of CustomizationFlag to true.
  15. Save and Close the algorithm and Publish it.

Useful Tips to Manage Service Mappings

  • Service mappings are the initial landing point to map attributes that need to be used to extend Subscription Management.
  • As delivered, Oracle provides only primary attributes in service mappings. To add more attributes, you need to define in Entities, Sources, and Services.

  • Any new variable you create in a service mapping -- even if it points to a standard attribute or to a customer-defined attribute -- needs to be named <VariableName_Custom>.

You can find more information on this subject in the My Oracle Support article, How To Skip Subscription Charge Lines To Be Sent To RMCS From Subscription Management? (Doc ID 2665162.1).