What fields or attributes can I audit for subscriptions?

Audit history lets you track the change history of a subscription or subscription product. Here are the subscription attributes and subscription product attributes that support auditing:

Subscription Attributes Subscription Product Attributes
  • Automate subscription line numbering
  • Bill Service
  • Billing Account
  • Bill-to Site
  • Communication Channel
  • Contact Name
  • Contract Layout Template
  • Copy To
  • Customer Acceptance
  • Description
  • Enable Electronic Signature
  • Enable Renewal Reminders
  • Exemption Reason Code
  • Internal Approval
  • Language
  • Primary Salesperson
  • Renewal Process
  • Ship-to Party
  • Ship-to Site
  • Short Description
  • Tax Exemption Certificate Number
  • Accounting Rule
  • Display Sequence
  • Invoice Text
  • Payment Method Code
  • Payment Terms
  • PO Number
  • Product Status Change
  • Renewal Type
  • Ship-to Party
  • Ship-to Site
  • Transaction Type
  • Wire Number

Access the Audit Reports

To access the data recorded by the audit process, you view audit reports in the Audit subtab. You can access the Audit subtab from the Subscription detail page and Edit Product page.

The default search in the Audit subtab displays a summary of the audit history in the search results table. It includes key data such as date, user, event type, and description. For a detailed report, search again with modified search criteria. You can export the report summary to Microsoft Excel.

This table lists the search parameters and the outcome of their selection in the detailed report.

Search Parameter Result of Selection

Include Child Objects

This parameter displays all the child objects that were listed for that business object when audit was set up. For example, a sales order object that contains several items as child objects.

Note that it only displays the objects at the immediate parent-child level. You can view the children at subsequent levels by selecting the child object as the business object type and then searching again.

Show User-Related Details

This parameter displays the details of the "impersonator" who modified the objects during an impersonation (delegation) session.

Show Attribute Details

This parameter enables the attributes list so that you can select either all attributes or a specific attribute to view the changes. Based on the selection, the search results indicate whether the attribute was created, updated or deleted, and the corresponding old and new values.

Show Additional Object Identifier Columns

This parameter displays the instances (contexts) in which the business object was used. The context values identify the objects and the transactions in which they were used. Each context is unique and assigns a unique description to the business object.

Remember, audit records change only for the objects and attributes enabled by your administrator. For setup information, see How do I enable audit for subscriptions?.