Manage Standard Coverage Template

After adding a standard coverage template to a subscription or coverage product in the Coverage tab, you can:

  • Edit the existing template. When you edit a standard coverage template, the application converts it into a nonstandard template.

  • Switch this template with other standard coverage template.

  • Access and update a standard template details by clicking on the template name.

Here's how you can edit the standard coverage template values by creating a nonstandard template specific to a subscription or coverage product:

  1. Select an appropriate subscription or coverage product.

  2. On the Edit Product page, click the Coverage tab.

  3. On the Edit Coverage page, click Edit.

  4. Make necessary changes in the template.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Optionally, click Revert to Standard to reapply your standard coverage template instead of your edited template.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Since the new template is just a copy of an initial standard template, you can't search for this nonstandard template on the Manage Standard Coverage page. The application assigns the name for this nonstandard template at the time of creation, which you can rename along with other attributes. You can update the nonstandard coverage template for the products in the draft status.