Subscription Amendments

Update the product of an active subscription by amending it.

When you amend a product, the action creates a duplicate product line, and you can update the duplicated line. The subscription moves to Under Amendment, the original product line moves to Under Amendment, and the new, duplicated product line is in the Draft status. Use the Amend feature to do these:

  • Assign product noncompliance

  • Upgrade or downgrade products

  • Change products

  • Change quantity

  • Change product term

  • Change product

  • Copy custom child objects

  • Manage charges

You can also perform other actions on a product when amending it. These actions don't create a new line.

  • Change payment method

  • Change billing owner or customer contact

  • Change tax control

  • Change renewal options

Revert a Subscription

When you revert a subscription, changes made in the latest amendment are canceled. The subscription returns to its state prior to the amendment. You can revert a subscription only when it's under amendment. You can't revert the changes after the subscription is activated.