Subscription Termination

When subscription amendments are approved, the application displays the new lines in an active status. The original lines that went through the amendment process are terminated or closed.

  • If the amendment effective date is the current date or a past date, the original line and its covered levels move to the closed status after you approve the amendment.

  • If the amendment effective date is a future date, the original line and its covered levels remain in an active status until a day before the amendment effective date. On the amendment effective date, the original line and its covered levels move to a closed status.

The Update Subscription Status scheduled process moves these lines to the closed status.

Close Credit Method

When a line is terminated, you must prorate the charges and calculate the bill for the remaining periods. You also need to refund any credit to the customer. Here are the credit methods you can apply on terminated lines:

  • Prorate with credit: The new bill is calculated on a prorated basis, considering any credit from the terminated line.

  • Prorate without credit: The new bill is calculated on a prorated basis and credits are dropped.

  • Full: Full charges are waived as a refund upon termination.

Note: Expired subscriptions can't be closed using close credit or any other method.

Withhold Proration of Usage Charges

You can enable the Withhold proration of usage charges check box from the Edit Subscription Profile page. This lets you disable the proration of usage charges and issue no credit when a subscription is closed with either Prorate with credit or Prorate without credit close credit method.

If the updated usage quantity has been rated, but the usage charge has not been interfaced to Accounts Receivable, the charge won't be prorated. If it's been interfaced to Accounts Receivable, no credit will be issued against that line.

However, you can’t withhold credit for usage charges if the usage isn't rated, if the usage quantity has not been updated, or if the subscription is closed with full credit.

Undo Close

You can undo the closure of a subscription and return it to the status it was in before closing. This gives you added flexibility in case you make a mistake in closing or if your customers want to rollback the close operation.

You can use the Undo Close action from the Actions menu on the Edit Product page. You can rollback close for those subscriptions where these conditions are met:

  • The product must already be closed or have a future close date.
  • You can undo close if any credit memo issued hasn't been interfaced to Accounts Receivable.
  • If any bill line that was prorated as a part of close hasn't been interfaced to Accounts Receivable, including termination fee, if any.
  • The Withhold proration of usage charges check box must be enabled.
  • This action isn't available if the subscription product was closed as a part of an amendment or suspension.

When you perform the undo close action, any credit memo lines or prorated bill lines are dropped. The subscription is returned to the status it was in prior to close.