Class Management in Oracle Innovation Management

Class Management is the definition of classes, class hierarchies, and class codes to establish reusable business objects. Here we learn about class management for ideas, requirements specifications, and concepts in Oracle Innovation Management.

The tasks addressed here are:

  • Manage Product Idea Classes

  • Manage Product Requirement Classes

  • Manage Product Concept Classes

  • Manage Product Concept Component Classes


Use classes and sub-classes to define business object types.

When you create a class, the class name that you provide is stored and used as an object type, at the time of business object creation.

Select a class to edit the class name and description. The Object Creation Allowed Indicator in the Edit Class page controls the possibility of creating business objects of the current class value. Select the indicator to ensure that the class name is available to use as a type when creating a business object.

Class Code

A Class Code is a constant and unique value associated with each class across Oracle Innovation Management and associated PLM systems.

You can define a class code only once, when creating a class, as it's used during integration with external systems, and is required to remain a consistent internal code.

Note: You can't edit the class code after class creation. However, you can delete the existing class, if it isn't already used to create an object, and create a class with the required class code.

Class Hierarchy

Class Hierarchy enables you to group and search for classes, based on class values or business objects types.

Select a class in the Manage Class page to view the class hierarchy in the Edit Class page.