Objects You Can Enable for Audit in Oracle Product Hub

Product Management offering has made available several business objects (includes Oracle Product Hub and Oracle Product Development) for you to enable auditing. In the Manage Audit Policies page, the available business objects are grouped under six top-level parent nodes:
  • Items
  • Trading Partner Items
  • Catalogs
  • Item Class
  • Rule Sets
  • Changes
Each of these parent nodes have multiple child nodes in a convenient hierarchy of parent-child format. Prior to enabling a specific child object for auditing, you must enable all the higher nodes in its hierarchy.

Business Objects in Items Node

The following table provides the business objects for Items parent node.

Node Name Node Description Parent Node
Items Includes a collection of business objects that maintain item data
Item Item operational attributes Items
Item Revision Includes a collection of business objects that maintain item revision data Item
Item Revision Extensible Flexfield Item revision level extensible flexfield attributes Item Revision
Item Revision Attachments Item revision level attachment attributes Item Revision
Item Category Association Item category association attributes Item
Item Attachments Item level attachment attributes Item
Item People Item security attributes Item
Item Extensible Flexfields Security Item extensible flexfield security attributes Item
Item Structure Item structure attributes Item
Item Structure Component Item structure component attributes Item Structure
Item Structure Reference Designator Item structure reference designator attributes Item Structure Component

Item Substitute Component

Item substitute component attributes

Item Structure Component

Structure Attachments

Item structure attachment attributes Item Structure
Item Supplier Association Includes a collection of business objects that maintain item supplier level data Item
Item Supplier Extensible Flexfield Item supplier level extensible flexfield attributes Item Supplier Association
Item Extensible Flexfield Item level extensible flexfield attributes Item
Pack Includes a collection of business objects that maintain pack data Item
Pack Component Pack component attributes Pack
Item Relationship Descriptive Flexfield Item relationship descriptive flexfield attributes Item
Competitor Item Relationship Competitor item relationship attributes Item
Customer Item Relationship Customer item relationship attributes Item
GTIN Item Relationship GTIN item relationship attributes Item
Cross-reference Item Relationship Cross-reference item relationship attributes Item
Manufacturer Item Relationship Manufacturer item relationship attributes Item
Related Item Relationship Related item relationship attributes Item
Spoke System Item Relationship Spoke system item relationship attributes Item
Supplier Item Relationship Supplier item relationship attributes Item
Item Organization Association Item organization association attributes Item

Business Objects in Trading Partner Items Node

The following table provides the business objects for Trading Partner Items parent node.

Node Name Node Description Parent Node
Trading Partner Items Include a collection of business objects that maintain trading partner item attributes. Customer, Competitor, Supplier, and Manufacturer are the types of trading partner items.
Trading Partner Item Descriptive Flexfield Trading partner (Customer, Competitor, Supplier, and Manufacturer) descriptive flexfield attributes Trading Partner Items
Competitor Items Competitor items attributes Trading Partner Items
Competitor Item Attachments Competitor item attachments attributes Competitor Items
Customer Items Customer items attributes Trading Partner Items
Customer Item Attachments Customer item attachments attributes Customer Items
Manufacturer Items Manufacturer items attributes Trading Partner Items
Manufacturer Item Attachments Manufacturer item attachments attributes Manufacturer Items
Supplier Items Supplier items attributes Trading Partner Items
Supplier Item Attachments Supplier item attachments attributes Supplier Items

Business Objects in Catalogs Node

The following table provides the business objects for the Catalogs parent node.

Node Name Node Description Parent Node
Catalogs This node includes a collection of business objects that maintain catalog/category data.
Catalog Catalog header level attributes and descriptive flexfields Catalogs
Category Category header level attributes and descriptive flexfields Catalog
Category Attachment Category header level attachment attributes Category
Category People Category security attributes Category
Catalog Attachment Catalog header level attachment attributes Catalog
Catalog People Catalog security attributes Catalog
Note: To view trading partner reference attributes in audit reports for change orders, problem reports, and corrective actions, enable the attributes Customer, Supplier, Source, and Manufacturer for audit.

Business Objects in Item Class Node

The following table provides the business objects for the Item Class parent node.

Node Name Node Description Parent Node
Item Class Include a collection of business objects that maintain item class setup data
Item Class Item class attributes Item Class
Attachment Categories Attachment categories attributes Item Class
Item Number Generation Method Item number generation method attributes

Item Class

Item Description Generation Method Item description generation method attributes

Item Class

Configured Item Number Generation Method Configured item number generation method attributes

Item Class

Item Class People Item class people attributes Item Class
Item Class People Extensible Flexfields Security Item class people extensible flexfields security attributes Item Class
Data Quality Data quality attributes Item Class
Item Overview Item overview attributes Item Class
Pages Pages attributes Item Class

Attribute Groups

Includes a collection of attribute group objects

Item Class

Descriptive Flexfield Context Attribute group header attributes Attribute Groups
Descriptive Flexfield Segment Attribute group segment attributes Descriptive Flexfield Context
Value Set Value set attributes Descriptive Flexfield Segment
Extensible Flexfield Context Usage Extensible flexfield context usage attributes Descriptive Flexfield Context
Extensible Flexfield Secondary Context Usage Extensible flexfield secondary context usage attributes Descriptive Flexfield Context
Transactional Attribute Item Class
Transactional Attribute Details

Transactional Attribute

Lifecycle Phases Lifecycle phases attributes Item Class
Import Formats Import formats header attributes Item Class
Import Format Details Import format details attributes Import Formats
New Item Request Workflow Steps New item request workflow steps attributes Item Class
New Item Request Workflow People New item request workflow people attributes New Item Request Workflow Steps
New Item Request Workflow Associations New item request workflow associations attributes New Item Request Workflow People
New Item Request Workflow Association Attributes New item request workflow associations attributes New Item Request Workflow Associations
Item Templates Item templates attributes Item Class
Item Extensible Flexfield Item extensible flexfield attributes

Item Templates

Item Revision Extensible Flexfield Item revision extensible flexfield attributes Item Templates
Functional Item Pages Functional item pages attributes Item Class

Business Objects in Rule Sets Node

The following table provides the business objects for the Rule Sets parent node.

Node Name Node Description Parent Node
Rule Sets Include a collection of business objects that maintain item rules data
Rule Set Rule set attributes Rule Sets
Rules Rules attributes Rule Set
All Included Rule Sets All included rule sets attributes Rule Set

Business Objects in Changes Node

The following table provides the business objects for the Changes parent node.

Node Name Node Description Parent Node
Changes Includes a collection of business objects that maintain change order data.
Note: To view trading partner reference attributes in audit reports for change orders, problem reports, and corrective actions, enable the attributes Customer, Supplier, Source, and Manufacturer for audit.
Change Object Change object header level attributes Changes
Change Object Attachments Change object attachment attributes Change Object
Affected Objects Affected object attributes Change Object
Change Object Tasks Change object task attributes Change Object
Source Change Object Source change object attributes Change Object
Destination Change Object Destination change object attributes Change Object
Change Object Extensible Flexfields Extensible flexfield attributes for change orders Change Object