File-Based Data Import (FBDI) Process

To import objects, you use a spreadsheet template to enter the data you want to import, and then run the appropriate import process from the Scheduled Processes page.

FBDI uses spreadsheet templates in which you organize your object data for import. After organizing your data in a spreadsheet template, you run macros in the template to generate the Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files used during the import process and combine the CSV files into a zip archive so that these can be imported together.

Step 1: Organize Your Data in the FBDI Spreadsheet Import Template

  1. First, download the FBDI template for the object you want to import.
    1. Open the File-Based Data Import for SCM guide on Oracle Help Center.
    2. Within the Contents panel in the guide, scroll to the object you need to import and click the name (Example: Item). You can also use the search bar to search within the book. For example, search for Item Import to navigate directly to the appropriate page.
    3. In the topic for the object, click the XLSM file link to download the template (Example: ItemImportTemplate.xlsm).
  2. After downloading the appropriate template, open it and confirm that macros are enabled. Fill in all required data and any optional data as desired on any or all worksheets. For detailed instructions by object type, see Import Agile PLM Data.
  3. Next, on the Instructions and CSV Generation tab, click the Generate CSV File button. Save the file to your local drive. The macros in the spreadsheet will generate the CSV files and combine them into a zip file.

Step 2: Load Data into Interface Tables

  1. In Oracle Fusion Cloud, open Scheduled Processes (Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes).
  2. Click Schedule New Process, select the Load Interface File for Import process, and click OK.
  3. Now select the import process, you will use to create your objects, for example Item Import. The import process selection determines which interface tables will be populated from the file upload.
  4. Next, select the data file, which is the zip file you generated from the spreadsheet template.
  5. Submit the process.

Step 3: Run Import Process

Once the Load Interface File for Import process is complete with a Succeeded status, you can import the data so that new objects are created, or existing objects are updated.

  1. Click Schedule New Process and select the same import process you selected earlier for the Load Interface File for Import process.
  2. Click OK, then enter the Batch ID that corresponds with the rows in the spreadsheet template that you actually want to import. A Batch ID is required. You can optionally set other parameters as well.
  3. Submit the process and wait for it to complete.