Overview of Production Supervisor Mobile Application

You can track and manage the work orders in your production plant through a mobile application. The production supervisor mobile application is available for installation on your device and is supported by Android and iOS.

This mobile application enables you to control shop floor situations from a remote location. If you've been assigned a job role your enterprise uses for production supervisor work, then you can do the following:

  • Take immediate action for critical shop floor situations.

  • Search for a specific work order by specifying attributes like work order number, item number, serial number.

  • Use the camera of your mobile device to scan the barcode of the work order and search for it.

  • View sets of work orders classified on the basis of the following:

    • work orders starting today

    • work orders completing today

    • work orders on hold

    • work orders past due

    • work order operations past due

    • work orders with open exceptions

    Note: Today signifies the current date as reflected in the application.
  • Email the work order details or operation details to critical stakeholders to collaborate and take further action.

  • Release work orders, cancel them, or put them on hold.

  • Drill down to details like the items or components or resources associated with any particular work order and analyze the information.

  • Close work order exceptions and email details to critical stakeholders.