How Updated and End-Dated Assets Affect Asset Assignments

View the assignment end date for an asset assignment in the Assigned Assets section of the Asset Group Assignments page. You can also view why the assignment is end dated when you hover over theWarning icon displayed for each end dated assignment. Then, you can choose to unassign the asset from the group.

Here are two reasons why an asset assignment gets end dated:

  • You update an asset in a way that the asset no longer matches the grouping attribute values of the group it's assigned to. The assignment end date is populated in all group assignments of the asset with the date of asset update.

  • If you end date the asset by either updating the asset active end date or the customer asset end date. The asset assignment end date is populated in all group assignments of the asset with the asset end date. If you update both the asset active end date and customer asset end date, the assignment end date is populated with the customer asset end date.