Manage Asset Group Assignments

Use the Asset Group Assignments page to view the assets assigned to the asset group, and to assign and unassign assets. To open the Asset Group Assignments page, on the Asset Groups page, select a group in the search results and click the Assign Assets button.

How You Assign Assets to A Group

On the Asset Group Assignments page, use the Add button to open the Add Assets dialog box. In the Add Assets dialog box, you can search for and select assets to add to the group. Here are some things to consider when you assign assets to a group:

  • If the group doesn't have grouping attributes, all assets not already assigned to the group will be eligible for assignment.

  • If the group has grouping attributes, only assets matching the grouping attribute values and not already assigned to the group are listed.

  • If your group rule enforces unique assignment of assets, the assets already assigned to another group of the same rule aren't listed.

How You Unassign Assets from A Group

Unassign an asset from a group on the Asset Group Assignments page. In the Assigned Assets section, use the Delete icon against the asset assignment.

Manage Asset Assignments on The Manage Assets and Edit Asset Pages

On the Manage Asset page, search for assets using the asset group name.

On the Edit Asset page, the Asset Groups tab listing all the group assignments for the asset. On the tab, you can:

  • Assign the asset to new groups using the Add button. Refer to the topic Manage Asset Group Assignments for details about the rules that apply to assignments of assets to groups.

  • Unassign the asset from a group.