Manage Asset Groups

Use the Asset Groups page to search for, create, edit, and delete asset groups. To open the Asset Groups page, on the Tasks pane, select Manage Asset Groups.

Create Asset Groups

Create asset groups for your rules. On the Asset Groups page, click the Create button to open the Create Asset Group page. Enter values for these attributes:



Group Rule

The name of the group rule to which the group is associated. This is a required attribute.


Number that uniquely identifies the asset group. A unique group number is generated by default, but you can update the field with any alphanumeric value.


Name of the group. The group name is generated by default from the group number, but you can update with any meaningful value.


Description of the asset group.

Grouping Attribute Values

List of grouping attributes you selected in the asset group rule. The list is empty if you didn't select any grouping attribute in the rule.

You must enter a value for each grouping attribute. The assets you assign to the group must also honor the group attribute values.

For example if the grouping attribute is Customer Number and the entered value is 1006, you can only assign assets if the customer number of the group is 1006.

Asset Validation Rule

The validation rule associated to the asset. You can specify one or both of these validation rules for your group:

  • Exclude Asset from Contracts

  • Exclude Asset from Service Requests

Inactive On

Date when the group becomes inactive. Beyond this date, you can't assign new assets to the group.

Edit Asset Groups

Edit an asset group on the Edit Asset Group page. On the Asset Group page, click the group name in the search results to open the page for editing. Here are some things to consider when you edit a group:

  • You can always edit the group name, code, and description.

  • You can edit grouping attribute values and the asset validation rule only if no assets are assigned to the group.

Delete Asset Groups

Delete an asset group on the Asset Groups page. Use the Delete icon against the group listed in the search results. You can only delete a group if no assets are assigned to it.