Manage Asset Group Rules

Use the Asset Group Rules page to search for, create, edit, and delete asset group rules. To open the Asset Group Rules page, on the Tasks pane, select Manage Asset Group Rules.

Create Asset Group Rules

You must create group rules before creating groups. On the Asset Group Rules page, click the Create button to open the Create Asset Group Rule page. Enter values for these attributes:




The name of the asset group rule.


Code that uniquely identifies the asset group rule.


Description of the asset group rule.

Grouping Attributes

Attributes that asset groups created for the group rule must honor. This is an optional attribute.

You can select multiple grouping attributes from the selected list. When you create a group for the group rule, you must enter a value for each grouping attribute. The assets you assign to the group must also honor the group attribute values.

For example, if you create a rule using Customer Number as a grouping attribute, then you must enter a value for Customer Number for each group you create for the rule. You can only assign assets to the group if the asset customer matches the group customer.


A usage is where you use asset groups in the application, such as for either order entries and subscriptions, or for customer asset statuses:

  • For order entries, you can specify a group while entering a new sales order line for an asset-tracked product. Once the sales order line is fulfilled, the created assets are automatically assigned to the group.

  • For subscriptions, you can use groups for contract lines in contract or subscription products.

  • For customer assets, you can use groups for asset validation rules. Select this usage in the rule to configure your asset groups to exclude their assets from service requests or contracts.

You can't select the customer asset status usage if you also select other usages options.

Note: When you select the customer asset status usage, the rule will control if newly created customer assets are automatically added to a default customer asset validation rule group or not. The grouping attributes are disabled for group rules, so any asset can be assigned to the group and the Enforce unique assignment of assets to groups within the rule check box is also selected and can't be deselected. You can create only one rule with the customer asset status usage, and you can't delete the rule while it's associated to an active group.

While the rule can then be used as the basis for one or more groups, you can only assign customer asset to only one group using the rule. And, only one of these groups can be defined in the profile option (ORA_CSE_DFT_AST_VLD_GROUP) as the default group during asset creation or shipment to the customer.

Enforce unique assignment of assets to groups within the rule

Select the check box to ensure an asset can only be assigned to one group within a given rule. If not selected, you can assign an asset to multiple groups within the rule.

Note: The check box is selected and can't be deselected when you select the customer asset status usage.

Inactive On

Date when the rule becomes inactive. Beyond this date, you can't create groups within the rule.

Edit Asset Group Rules

Edit an asset group rule on the Edit Asset Group Rule page. On the Asset Group Rules page, click the group rule name in the search results to open the page for editing. Here are some things to consider when you edit a group rule:

  • You can always edit the group rule name, code, and description.

  • You can edit grouping attributes only if no groups are defined for the rule.

  • You can update the Enforce unique assignment of assets to groups within the rule check box only if no assets are assigned to the groups within the rule.

Delete Asset Group Rules

Delete an asset group rule on the Asset Group Rules page. Use the Delete icon against the group rule listed in the search results. You can delete a rule only if no groups are created for it.