How You Record Meter Readings for an Asset

You can record the new meter readings on the Enter Readings page, or by using REST API and File-Based Data Import.

Access this page for each asset on the Meters tab of the Asset Overview page, and during Work Order Operation completion using the Complete with Details flow.

The following are the points to remember when entering a new meter reading:

  • The new meter readings should be recorded sequentially by date and time. However, you can enter historical meter readings out of sequence during data correction using the Enter Readings page or REST API. Additional details about our of sequence recordings is listed later in this section.

  • Readings may be recorded daily, multiple times a day, or even only when maintenance is completed as governed by your business requirements and asset activity. If multiple readings are recorded, the application uses the last reading of a day for the forecast program.
  • If an asset meter is used to forecast a maintenance program, then frequent meter recordings can more accurately update the future forecasted due dates for preventative maintenance.
  • Duplicate meter readings, by date and time, are never permitted for active readings.
  • Meter readings can be recorded one a day, multiple times a day, once a week, or perhaps even only when maintenance is accomplished using a work order. Regardless of the recording frequency, the meter reading history will reflect the incremental changes as well as record the cumulative life to date history of the meter.
  • Continuous meter readings will create a historical record that includes not only the recorded reading value, but also a calculated net change value from the last reading in history, the displayed reading value and a cumulative life to date reading value. Therefore, no matter if an Absolute or Change reading is recorded, these values can provide insight in the exact reading, its change since the last reading, its displayed reading, and its overall cumulative reading value. During a Reset or Rollover event, while the Displayed reading will reflect the encountered event, the life to date reading value will continue to increment and will not be set to 0.
  • If multiple readings are recorded in a single day, then the system uses the last reading of a day for the forecast program.
  • Duplicate meter readings, by date and time, are never permitted for active readings.

  • The new meter readings must follow the validation rules defined in the meter template. You can only insert new readings after the last reset or locked meter reading in history

  • In case of a meter Rollover event for Absolute meter, you can specify it when entering the meter reading. This relaxes certain validations and enables recording of the meter reading.

  • In case of a meter Rollover event for a Change meter, the application will automatically indicate when the rollover event occurs

  • In the case of a meter Reset event for either an Absolute or Change meter, there isn’t any requirement to enter a reading value, as the meter definition contains the value to which the meter will be Reset. It’s recommended to be 0 or 1 in most cases.
  • You can record readings for inactive meters only if the reading date is prior to the meter end date.

  • When you enter a new reading, the status column is updated with a status of Recorded, Reset, or Rolled over. Only Initial readings will display a status of Initial.

Steps to Enter a New Meter Reading

Perform the following steps to enter a new meter reading:

  1. Open the Assets page by clicking the Manage Assets link on the Tasks pane.

  2. Search for the asset and click on the asset number link.

  3. On the Asset: Overview page, select the Meters tab. The Asset: Meters page displays the meters associated with the asset.

  4. On the Asset: Meters page, click the Enter Reading button.

  5. By default, the Enter Readings page displays the active meters only. To display all the meters including the inactive meters, from the Show drop-down list, select: All meters.

  6. For the specific meter, select from or enter values the following fields:



    Reading Type

    The type of reading as defined by the meter definition. The field will only be enabled as a drop down if the meter can also be Reset. By default, the drop down will display the default Reading type, such as Absolute or Change. You don't need to change this value for a regular reading event.

    You can update the Reading Type to Reset only if the reading is a Reset event. When updated, the New Reading and Rollover fields below disabled, as the reading’s Reset value will come automatically from the meter definition.

    New Reading

    Enter the new meter reading value.


    Select the check box to indicate that the new meter reading has incurred a roll over. This field is applicable only for the meter of Absolute Ascending type.

    Reading Date

    Enter the date on which the meter reading is recorded.


    Enter any comment regarding the new meter reading.

  7. Click the Save button or Save and Close button.

  8. The Net Change, Displayed Reading, and Life-to-Date Reading values are then calculated for the meter reading. For a historical reading, all the subsequent active reading rows will have the Net Change, Displayed Reading, and Life-to-Date Reading values recalculated based on the newly inserted reading row.

  9. Click the History icon to view the recorded readings on the Meter row in the Readings page, or from the Asset: Meters tab for a unique Asset Meter.

Validations at the Time of Entering a New Meter Reading

At the time of a new meter reading entry, there are certain validations in place that are driven by the meter template. The meter type, reading type, and direction defined in the meter template determine the validation rules. The Net Change, Displayed Reading, and Life-to-Date Reading values are also calculated based on the meter type, reading type, and direction defined in the meter template.

The following table discusses the meter template combinations and their respective validations at the time of entering a new meter reading value:

Meter Type

Reading Type






The date and time of new reading must be later than or equal to the date and time of last reading.

The new reading value must be greater than or equal to the last reading value.




The date and time of new reading must be later than or equal to the date and time of last reading.

The new reading value must be less than or equal to the last reading value.




The date and time of new reading must be later than or equal to the date and time of last reading.

The new reading value must be greater than or equal to the last reading value. The new reading value may also be validated against the minimum and maximum reading thresholds.




The date and time of new reading must be later than or equal to the date and time of last reading.

The new reading value must be greater than or equal to the last reading value. The new reading value may also be validated against the minimum and maximum reading thresholds.




The date and time of new reading must be later than or equal to the date and time of last reading.

The new reading value is validated against the minimum and maximum reading thresholds.

The Net Change value is calculated as the difference between the current and last Displayed Reading values for a meter. For a Change meter, this value is the same as the reading value. For an Absolute meter, this value indicates the delta value between readings in history.

The Displayed Reading represents the current value that's shown on a physical meter. This value is the same as the Life-to-Date Reading value up until the point that a meter is reset or encounters a Rollover event. For a Change meter, this value is calculated by adding the current Net Change value to the previous Displayed Reading value. For an Absolute meter, this value is always the same as the reading value.

The Life-to-Date Reading represents the cumulative reading value for an asset meter, irrespective of Reset or Rollover events.

The following table discusses the meter template combinations and their respective Life-to-Date Reading value calculation:

Meter Type

Reading Type


Life-to-Date Reading Value




The current Life-to-Date Reading value is typically equal to the new reading value and the Displayed Reading value. It is calculated by adding the current Net Change value to the previous Life-to-Date Reading value. As an exception, the Life-to-Date Reading value isn't equal to the new reading value and the Displayed Reading value if a reset or rollover event occurs during the meter reading entry.




The current Life-to-Date Reading value is equal to the new reading value and the Displayed Reading value.




The current Life-to-Date Reading value is calculated by adding the new reading value to the previous Life-to-Date Reading value. It will be equal to the Displayed Reading value unless a reset or rollover event occurs during the meter reading entry




The current Life-to-Date Reading value is calculated by subtracting the new reading value from the previous Life-to-Date Reading value. If will be equal to the Displayed Reading value.




The current Life-to-Date Reading value is equal to the new reading value and the Displayed Reading value.

Recording Out of Sequence Readings

Meter readings are generally expected to be recording sequentially by date and time. However, historical readings can be recorded between existing active readings. When this occurs, the system must adjust all the future reading history based on the new reading. The system will set all future readings to a status of cancelled and will automatically recreate new readings on the same date and time with updated Net Change, Displayed Reading, and Life-to-Date Reading values. This will ensure reading history is correctly maintained, regardless of meter type.

Additionally, new readings can only be inserted after the last locked date in history. This and the process for disabling historical readings are covered in the section How You View and Edit Meter Readings for an Asset.