How You View and Edit Meter Readings for an Asset

You can view and edit the meter reading history of an asset and its associated meters on the Reading History page.

Access this page for each asset meter on the Meters tab of the Asset Overview page, on the Meter Reading page, and during Work Order Operation completion using the Complete with Details flow on the Meter Reading page.

When viewing the Reading history page, you will see that page only displays meter reading history for the last seven days from the current date by default. You can select the period from the Show drop-down list for which you want to view the history.

The reading history region will display the latest reading in history first, followed by previous readings. For each reading you will see:

Column Overview and Actions Allowed
Reading Type The type of reading that was recorded. This field is not updatable for a reading.
Reading Date and Time

The reading event date and time.

Only the latest active reading in history can be updated. The Date and Time value can be updated as long as the reading value follows the meter definition rules.

Reading value

The reading event value.

Only the latest active reading in history can be updated. The Reading value can be updated as long as the reading value follows the meter definition rules, similar to a new reading.

Net Change value

The difference between the current Reading value and the last active Reading value in history. This value is automatically calculated and is not updatable for a reading.
Displayed Reading value

The cumulative Reading Value that is displayed on the Meter. This value is automatically calculated as the Reading value + the previous active reading’s Displayed Reading value.

For an Absolute meter reading, the Reading value and Displayed Reading value are the same. For a Change meter reading, the values will be different, as the previous reading’s Displayed Reading is incremented by the current reading’s Change reading. This field is not updatable for a reading.

During a Reset or Rollover event, the Displayed Reading value will be automatically adjusted. This means it could be reset to 0, 1 or the latest Rollover reading value.

Life-to-Date Reading value

The cumulative Reading Value for the Meter. This value is automatically calculated as the Reading value + the previous active reading’s Life-to-Date Reading value. This field is not updatable for a reading.

The Displayed Reading and Life-to-Date Reading value will be equal until the first Reset or Rollover event. Once this occurs, these values will not be the equal, allowing for current and lifetime utilization to be recorded in history.

Work Order A work order reference will be displayed if the reading is recorded during Work Order completion using the Complete with Details flow.
Comments Optional comments about the reading. The comments can be updated except for a Disabled reading.
Status The status of the reading. Upon creation, it will display as Recorded. If updated, then the status changes to Edited. If you disable the reading, the status will go to Disabled.

The following are the points to remember when editing the meter reading history:

  • You can edit meter reading history for both active and inactive meters.

  • You can disable any reading if it was recorded after the last reset or locked meter reading in history, and if the Disable icon is active for the reading. When disabled, all the subsequent active reading rows will be cancelled and new replacement readings will be created with the updated Net Change, Displayed Reading, and Life-to-Date Reading values recalculated based on the last active row in the reading history

  • You can also edit a historical meter reading by first disabling the reading, and then insert a new reading in the Enter Readings page for the same date and time, but with a new reading value and comments. Once recorded,all the subsequent active reading rows will be cancelled and new replacement readings will be created with the updated Net Change, Displayed Reading, and Life-to-Date Reading values recalculated based on the last active row in the reading history.

  • When you edit or disable a reading, the status column is updated with a status of either Edited or Disabled.

Meter readings can be locked by other Oracle Cloud solutions, such as Oracle Subscription Management. Once a historical reading is locked, the date of the last locked reading in history is displayed in the asset meters list for an asset. The date value will be visible to all users, however, there is no direct locking capability available in the asset meter pages. This capability will only be available from other Oracle Cloud solutions and isn't intended to be used by Maintenance users in the asset pages.

The locked date will be used to validate any new readings that you enter using the Enter Readings page. You can only enter new readings that are greater than the locked date in history, else a validation will produce an appropriate error message, preventing you from entering a reading that could impact the integrity of reading history. Additionally, you can't disable readings before the last locked reading in history.

You can continually lock readings in history by other solutions if they're for a date that's greater than the last locked reading in history. Typically, this occurs for a billing cycle, such as locking the last reading in a billing period.