Configure Quality Issues and Quality Actions

You can configure fields and page layouts for quality management objects in Application Composer.


You can create and modify all extra fields for quality issues and actions in Application Composer. The fields aren't visible to users until they're added to a page layout. Fields can be used through Groovy scripting and REST web services without adding it to a page layout. You can create the following type of fields for both issues and actions:
  • Text: allows users to enter 254 characters of simple text.
    Note: The 1500-character limit applies if the characters are single byte. If the characters are multibyte, such as Japanese or Chinese, then the maximum character limit is 1500 characters divided by the number of bytes per multibyte character. For example, if characters are 2 bytes, then the name is limited to a maximum of 750 characters. If a mix of characters is used, then the maximum sum of character bytes that's supported is 1500.
  • Number: allows users to enter a number, including decimals.
  • Date: allows users to select a date.
  • Long Text: allows users to enter 32,000 characters.
    Note: It's recommended that you don't exceed five long text fields on an object for performance reasons. Long text isn’t supported by Audit History.
  • Check box: provides a check box to select or deselect (true/false).
  • Percentage: a numeric field that displays as a percentage on the page. The percentage field will take the entered value and store it as a percentage of 100. For example, if you enter 95, the value is stored as .95 although it displays 95%.
  • Datetime: allows users to select a date and time.
  • Record Type: invokes page layout to change based on value selection.
  • Choice List (Fixed): allows the administrator to create a list of values from which users can select.
  • Choice List (Dynamic): allows users to select from a list of other objects such as ideas or requirements.
  • Formula: allows the administrator to prepare a calculation based on a formula and data from other fields.

Page Layouts

Here are some of the points that you must consider for page layouts:
  • Fields for quality issues and quality actions are made available on the user interface through page layouts. Use the Pages node to create multiple page layouts that can apply to specific scenarios based on criteria that you define.
  • The Standard page layout provides a basic display but can't be modified.
  • Page layouts are displayed based on two factors: order and criteria.
    • The order of display of page layouts is based on how they're organized in the application.
    • You can change the order of the layouts to suit your purposes.
    • If you've defined the criteria for display of the page layout, based on the current user session, the page layouts are scanned from the beginning and the page layout is displayed based on the criteria.
    • Sometimes, multiple criteria may apply for the display of page layouts. In such cases, the page layout display is based on the defined criteria, and the order in which the page layout is organized. Usually, the first page layout that matches at least one criterion is displayed.
    • Page layout criteria come in the form of: Type, Role, and Advanced Expression.
      • Type is determined by a Record Type field added to the page layout. You can set the page layout display based on a particular value in a Record Type field.
      • Role is the assignment of one or more roles to the display of a page layout. If the user with a particular role is viewing the object, the page layout corresponding to that role is displayed.
      • Advanced Expression provides you with the ability to create a Groovy script that will determine the page layout display. For example, in the Advanced Expression, if the Severity is set to High then that corresponding page layout is displayed.
        Example: Severity == "ORA_HIGH"
    Note: It's a best practice to create a copy of the standard page and leave it as a default layout. All page layouts created using Application Composer must be duplicates of the standard template not a copy of another configured page layout.

Custom Objects

New objects you create and configure using Application Composer are located in the Custom Objects node. You can create top-level objects (objects without a parent) or child objects (objects created in the context of a parent).
Note: If you create a subtab using Application Composer, and expose the configured objects:
  • The Save As functionality won't save these objects.
  • The configured child objects aren't supported.

Important Considerations

Let's look at some of the considerations applicable to quality management objects:

  • You can’t use triggers on status attributes. But you can use entry and exit criteria to trigger an action based on change in the status, using global functions.
  • You can use entry or exit criteria for validation use cases only. Assignment use cases aren't supported. Assignment use cases include any operation that results in adding or modifying the attribute values, or the content in any of the tabs.
  • You can't use the old value, new value functions for tracking the status.
  • In case you are using a workaround for storing the status code of an attribute, and using triggers based on changes to this attribute, you can do so between two open statuses only.

    It's not supported for the following status changes:

    • Open to Interim
    • Interim to Interim
    • Interim to Approval
    • Approval to Complete