Guidelines to Set Up Maintenance Plant Parameters

You can set the plant parameters to define the functionality of a maintenance organization.

The following sections discuss the parameters and their acceptable values in detail:

  • Plant Details Parameters

  • Materials Parameters

  • Work Definition Parameters

  • Maintenance Program Parameters

Plant Details Parameters

The following table discusses the parameter for the maintenance organization:



Manufacturing Calendar

Refers to the schedule or calendar to be used in the maintenance organization.

Material Parameters

The following table discusses the parameters for the material in the maintenance organization:



Default Supply Subinventory

For maintenance work definitions:

Specifies the default supply subinventory for the maintenance work definition operation item if there is no supply subinventory defined for the maintenance work center or item master.

For maintenance work orders:

Specifies the supply subinventory to be used when backflush components that don't have a default defined at the maintenance work order operation item or the inventory item level.

Default Completion Subinventory

For maintenance work orders:

Specifies the completion subinventory to be used for storing the completed product if a default isn't defined at the maintenance work order level.

Default Supply Locator

For maintenance work definitions:

Specifies the default supply locator for the maintenance work definition operation item if there is no supply locator defined for the maintenance work center or item master.

For maintenance work orders:

Specifies the supply locator to be used when backflush components that don't have a default defined at the maintenance work order operation item or the inventory item level.

Default Completion Locator

For maintenance work orders:

Specifies the completion locator to be used for storing the completed product if a default isn't defined at the maintenance work order level.

Work Definition Parameters

The following table discusses the parameters for the maintenance work definition in the maintenance organization:



Starting Operation Sequence

Specifies the default sequence number for the first operation in a maintenance work definition and maintenance work order. The value must be a positive integer.

Operation Sequence Increment

Specifies the incremental value by which the sequence of the operation is to be increased in the maintenance work definition and maintenance work order.

The value must be a positive integer.

Phantom Operation Inheritance

Specifies whether the phantom components and resources are inherited at the same operation that the phantom is assigned in the parent item maintenance work definition.

The valid values are:

  • Material Only: If selected, when creating the maintenance work order, all of the phantom components are inherited at the same operation that the phantom is assigned in the parent item maintenance work definition.

  • Material and Resources: If selected, when creating the maintenance work order, all of the phantom components and resources are inherited at the same operation that the phantom is assigned in the parent item maintenance work definition.

The default value is Material Only.

Work Order Prefix

Specifies the prefix to use when automatically generating the work order names when creating the maintenance work orders.

You can enter a maximum length of 30 characters.

Work Order Starting Number

Specifies the initial number to pass in to the document sequence which is created when a record is saved.

The value must be a positive integer greater than zero. The default value is 1000.

This field becomes read only after the maintenance work order document sequence for the maintenance organization is created.

Default Overcompletion Tolerance Percentage

Specifies the percentage of assemblies that you can complete over the quantity specified on the maintenance work order.

The value must be between 1 and 100. The default value is blank.

Default Transaction Mode

This parameter is used to default a radial button display option on the material or resource transaction pages that are accessed from the dispatch list for an operation step. The defined value will specify if the materials or resources are defaulted from the maintenance work order operation or not.

The valid values are:

  • All: If selected, all the components and resources that are associated with the maintenance work order operation are defaulted and you can transact against them. Optionally, you can create additional transactions.

  • (Manually) Entered: If selected, the components and resources that are associated with the maintenance work order operation aren't defaulted and you're required to manually enter the specific component or the resource to transact.

The default value is All.

For the Material Transaction page, if set to All, then materials of supply type PUSH will be displayed when manual reporting of material usage is required. If set to (Manually) Entered, then the PUSH type materials will not be displayed. However, in the page you can always override the default transaction mode by clicking the radial button options to select All or Manually Entered to refresh the list of materials.

Additionally, this parameter is only applicable for Material Transaction pages prior to the uptake of the opt-in feature that enables material issues and returns using an asset hierarchy. If enabled, the radial buttons are no longer included on the page, as the page will always default All supply type PUSH materials.

For the Resource Transaction page, if set to All, then resources of charge type MANUAL will be displayed when manual reporting of resource usage is required. If set to (Manually) Entered, then the MANUAL type resources will not be displayed. However, in the page you can always override the default transaction mode by clicking the radial button options to select ALL or Manually Entered to refresh the list of resources.

Default Transaction Quantity

Specifies whether the transaction quantity is to be defaulted as that of the required quantity during the material or resource transactions in a maintenance work order. However, you can make changes to the default quantity.

The valid values are:

  • None: If selected, the transaction quantity isn't defaulted as that of the required quantity during the material or resource transactions in a maintenance work order.

  • Material: If selected, the transaction quantity is defaulted as that of the required quantity during the material transactions in a work order.

  • Resources: If selected, the maintenance transaction quantity is defaulted as that of the required quantity during the resource transactions in a maintenance work order.

  • Both: If selected, the transaction quantity is defaulted as that of the required quantity during the material and resource transactions in a maintenance work order.

The default value is Both.

Allow Quantity Changes During Backflush

Specifies whether you can change the transaction quantity or not.

The valid values are:

  • None: If selected, during backflush, you can't modify the transaction quantity of the pull components required in an operation and can't report the consumption of the ad hoc material. During automatic charging, you can't modify the charge quantity of the automatic resources required in an operation and can't report the usage of the ad hoc resources.

  • Material: If selected, during backflush, you can modify the transaction quantity of the pull components required in an operation and can report the consumption of the ad hoc material. During automatic charging, you can't modify the charge quantity of the automatic resources required in an operation and can't report the usage of the ad hoc resources.

  • Resources: If selected, during backflush, you can't modify the transaction quantity of the pull components required in an operation and can't report the consumption of the ad hoc material. During automatic charging, you can modify the charge quantity of the automatic resources required in an operation and can report the usage of the ad hoc resources.

  • Both: If selected, during backflush, you can modify the transaction quantity of the pull components required at an operation and can report the consumption of the ad hoc material. During automatic charging, you can modify the charge quantity of the automatic resources required at an operation and can report usage of ad hoc resources.

The default value is None.

Default Work Order Traveler Template

Specifies the name of the template to be used for printing the maintenance work order traveler or the labels for the maintenance organization.

You may use your own BI publisher templates by specifying the file path and file name of your templates in this parameter. If the parameter is blank, the default template defined in the BI publisher report definition settings is used for all the maintenance organizations.

maximum string length of 400 characters.

Default Label Template

Specifies the name of the template to be used for printing the maintenance work order traveler or the labels for the maintenance organization.

You may use your own BI publisher templates by specifying the file path and file name of your templates in this parameter. If the parameter is blank, the default template defined in the BI publisher report definition settings is used for all the maintenance organizations.

You can enter a maximum string length of 400 characters.

Include component yield in material requirements

Indicates whether the component yield is factored into the maintenance work order material requirements and the component quantities during the material transactions.

You deselect this parameter to avoid rounding the decimal quantities. The rounding can inflate transaction quantities causing inaccurate representation of requirements.

Automatically associate serial numbers during work order import

Indicates whether the serial numbers aMre to be automatically generated and associated when importing a maintenance work order.

Maintenance Program Parameters

These parameters will only be available for a maintenance-enabled organization. They must be defined to generate a preventive maintenance program forecast and to create preventive maintenance work orders.

The following table discusses the parameters for a maintenance program in the maintenance organization:



Forecast Horizon in Days

The number of days into the future that the preventive maintenance forecast will be created for a maintenance program. By default, this value is set to 30 days.

It's recommended to set this value for each organization based on a few factors. You must determine how far into the future will your maintenance planners want to view a forecast, typically using the Gantt chart. This evaluation is guided by reviewing the different types of forecast methods, intervals and expected future due dates.

For example, if you have maintenance programs with intervals greater than 30 days, such as every 3 months, you can increase the horizon value to 90 days to include them. Else, future forecasted due dates won't appear in the future until the forecast horizon value is reached.

Generate Work Orders Horizon in Days

The number of days into the future that preventive maintenance work orders will be created, based on forecasted due dates in the preventive maintenance forecast. By default, this value is set to 7 days.

It's recommended to set this value for each organization depending upon how far into the future you want to create, view, update and release the work orders. You must evaluate the types of forecast methods for the organization in order to determine a good value to define.

For example, if you're using calendar patterns to forecast your programs, then you can set a work order horizon that will generate them far enough into the future to support scheduling, material planning, and coordinated release to technicians. If you have requirements that are due every week, you can set a value of 14, 21 or even 30 days.

However, if you're using meters to forecast your programs, it's important to remember that they use a dynamic forecast. This means that as an assets utilization fluctuates over time, the forecast will accordingly adjust. The resulting due dates may generate as being due earlier or later, depending if the actual utilization is greater or less than the daily rate defined for the assets meter. Once a work order is created, the forecast will no longer adjust the due date, therefore any updates must be made during the scheduling of the work order. Therefore, it's important to understand that the work order horizon will have an impact on the dynamic forecasting of meter-based programs.

Note: Assets are created with an asset ID that’s automatically derived by the application using a database sequence. This value does not support a prefix, nor can it be controlled by a customer. The asset number is set to the same value as the asset ID during creation if a user-defined asset number is not provided. Additionally, the asset number can be updated after asset creation