Set Up Maintenance Organization Relationships

Maintenance organization relationships are used to support the search, view and editing of assets by a Maintenance Manager in the Manage Assets and Asset Information Management pages. By default, you can only view assets that operate in maintenance-enabled organizations for which you have access. Defining an organization relationship expands the search to include assets that operate in a non-maintenance organization, provide you have access to those additional organizations.

Relationships aren't required to maintain an asset using work orders that operates in a maintenance-enable organization. However, relationships may be required if you wish to maintain the asset in other maintenance organizations. When you create work orders using the Manage Work Orders page, Asset Information Management page, Maintenance Program, Manage Forecasts page, Maintenance Work Orders REST API and File-based import, the value of the parameter Consider Organization Relationships When Creating Maintenance Work Orders program is considered:

If the parameter is set to Yes (default):
  • For assets operating in a maintenance-enabled organization, work orders can be created:
    • For its operating organization without defining any relationships (default capability).
    • Only in those maintenance-enabled organizations where a reciprocal relationship is defined.
  • For assets operating in a non-maintenance-organization, work orders can be created:
    • Only in those maintenance-enabled organizations where a supports or supports as primary relationship is defined.
If the parameter is set to No:
  • For assets operating in a maintenance-enabled organization, work orders can be created:
    • For its operating organization without defining any relationships (default capability).
    • In any other maintenance-enabled organization under the same master organization. The only exception is creating work orders using the Manage Work Orders page, as this method still requires organization relationships.
  • For assets operating in a non-maintenance-organization, work orders can be created:
    • In any other maintenance-enabled organization under the same master organization.
    • For assets being maintained across organizations in a maintenance program, you can define a supports as primary relationship if you wish for an asset to always be maintained in a specific maintenance organization. If not defined, then these assets can be forecasted and maintained within the program’s contextual organization, without the need to define a relationship.
Note: If you intend for assets to routinely require maintenance across organizations, it is recommended to set the parameter, Consider Organization Relationships When Creating Maintenance Work Orders Program to a value of No. If you wish for only certain organizations to provide maintenance to each other, then you should define organization relationships and leave the parameter value set to Yes.

The steps to set up the maintenance organization relationships are:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Maintenance Oraganization Relationships task:
    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
    • Functional Area: Maintenance Management
    • Task: Manage Maintenance Organization Relationships
  2. On the Manage Maintenance Organization Relationships page, search for the organization. Only maintenance organizations are listed in the results.
  3. Select the organization. The Organization Relationship Details pane shows the organization relationships for the selected organization.
  4. On the Organization Relationship Details pane, you can view, add, and remove the organization-to-organization relationships for the selected organization. For the contextual maintenance organization, you can either create a reciprocal relationship to another maintenance organization or a supporting relationship to an organization not set up as a maintenance organization.
  5. You can optionally elevate a supporting relationship to a primary relationship between the contextual maintenance organization and an organization not enabled for maintenance.
    • When set as primary, then a work order can be automatically be created in this organization when using a configured action in the Maintenance Work Order REST API.
    • An organization not enabled for maintenance can only have one primary maintenance organization defined.
    • However, a maintenance organization can be primary to one or organizations not enabled for maintenance.
  6. For an asset operating in an organization not enabled for maintenance, a supports as primary relationship ensures that the asset will be forecasted and maintained using work orders only in this organization.
  7. If you are creating reciprocal relationships between maintenance organizations, it is recommended that you setup relationships from the context of each of the maintenance organizations, ensuring that work orders can be created for either organization.

Additional Setups

  • You must have inventory organization access for all organizations in which you will create maintenance work orders. This includes the contextual and related organizations.
  • An asset’s source inventory item must be enabled for each of the work order organizations in order to create a work order. For more details, refer to the How You Set Up Items in Product Information Management topic later in this guide.
  • To create work orders across organizations in a maintenance program, you must ensure that the work definitions are duplicated across organizations and share a common work definition code. Else, there will be a mismatch and work orders won't be created.