How You Manage Lookups for Maintenance

Lookups in an application represent the set of codes and their meanings.

In addition to the common lookups, you can set up the lookups specific to Oracle Maintenance as needed. To see the standard lookups in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Standard Lookups task:

  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management
  • Functional Area: Maintenance Management
  • Task: Manage Standard Lookups
Lookup Name Lookup Code Description
Maintenance Program Subtype ORA_MNT_MX_PROGRAM_SUB_TYPE User defined lookup that can be optionally defined and updated for a Maintenance Program.
Warranty Coverages Type ORA_CSE_WTY_COVERAGES_TYPE User defined lookup that can be optionally defined and updated for a Warranty Coverage.
Warranty Coverages Status ORA_CSE_WTY_COVERAGES_STATUS Status of a Warranty Coverage. Values are Draft and Ready.

This lookup isn't extendable, or customer defined.

Warranty Coverage Duration Unit Of Measure ORA_CSE_WTY_COVERAGES_UOM The unit of measures that are used when defining a time duration of a Warranty Coverage. Values are Day, Month and Year.

This lookup isn't extendable, or customer defined.

Warranty Contracts Object ORA_CSE_WTY_CONTRACTS_OBJECT The object type for which Warranty Contracts can be created. The only value is an Asset.

This lookup isn't extendable, or customer defined.

Warranty Contracts Status ORA_CSE_WTY_CONTRACTS_STATUS The status for a Warranty Contract. Values is Draft, Ready or Expired.

This lookup isn't extendable, or customer defined.

Warranty Claim Object Type ORA_CSE_WTY_CLAIM_OBJECT_TYPE The object type for which Warranty Contracts can be created. The only value is an Work Order.

This lookup isn't extendable, or customer defined.

Warranty Claims Type ORA_CSE_WTY_CLAIMS_TYPE User defined lookup that can be optionally defined and updated for a Warranty Claim.
Warranty Claims Status ORA_CSE_WTY_CLAIMS_STATUS The status for a Warranty Claim. The seeded values include Pending Review, Draft, On Hold, Cancelled, Submitted, Rejected, and Resolved.
Optionally you can define additional Status values.
Note: Don't disable the lookup value of Pending Review. It is used as the default value when a new Claim is created using the scheduled process.
Warranty Claim Reimbursement Type ORA_CSE_WTY_CLAIM_REIMB_TYPE User defined lookup that can be optionally defined and updated for a Warranty Claim.
Warranty Entitlement Status ORA_CSE_WTY_ENT_STATUS This lookup isn't extendable, or customer defined.

For more information on lookups that are common to any Oracle application, refer to the Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM: Implementing Common Features for SCM guide.

In addition to the common lookups, you can view and set up the lookups specific to Oracle Maintenance as needed. To set up lookups for Maintenance in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use the Manage Maintenance Lookups task:

  • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

  • Functional Area: Maintenance Management

  • Task: Manage Maitenance Lookups

The Maintenance application uses the following lookups that can be populated as needed:

Lookup Name

Lookup Code


Maintenance Work Order Type


Indicates if the work order performed against an asset is preventive or corrective. You can’t add any additional lookup values.

Maintenance Work Order Subtype


Indicates the condition under which a work order must be performed against an asset. You can add additional lookup values as needed.

Note: Ensure if you disable any of the seeded subtype values, especially if they are used across other maintenance or objects, such as being referenced in a work order. Additionally, the seeded value ORA_PLANNED is the default subtype for work orders created by a maintenance program. If you disable this lookup and the work order asset doesn't have a subtype defined, then the work order import process fails for the forecast line and doesn't create a work order.