Import Items with Revisions

Use the EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE sheet tab in ItemImportTemplate.xlsm to organize item data for import.

Use the EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE sheet tab in ItemImportTemplate.xlsm to organize item data for import. Required fields include:

  • Transaction Type
  • Batch ID
  • Item Number (If the item class is configured to provide the number, leave this blank.)
  • Organization Code
  • Description
  • Engineered Item Flag (if assigning to Product Development)
Note: When importing item numbers, go to the specific item class in Setup and Maintenance, and change the Item Number Generation Method to User Defined. If it’s set to Rule Generated or Sequence Generated, then the system will override the item numbers from your spreadsheet during import. Return the Item Number Generation Method back to the previous setting after completing your import. Make sure the numbers you import don’t conflict with existing numbers or numbers that will be generated in the future.
Use the EGP_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE sheet tab in ItemImportTemplate.xlsm to organize item revision data for import. Required fields include:
  • Transaction Type
  • Batch ID
  • Item Number
  • Organization Code
  • Revision
  • Effectivity Date

You can create new items with revisions during the same import, or you can create revisions for existing items during an import. However, you can only create backdated revisions while creating a new item through import. After the item is created, you can no longer create backdated revisions.

Date attributes are important. Entering wrong dates may result in data going into wrong revisions, leading to corrupted data. Ensure that the dates are in YYYY/MM/DD format.

When importing items with revisions, enter the item information on the EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE tab. Add all backdated revisions on the EGP_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE tab, where you can enter the Revision with the corresponding Effectivity Date, ECN Initiation Date, and Implementation Date. The Effectivity Date and Implementation Date are the same, but the ECN Initiation Date is set for 10 days earlier.

In Agile PLM, the initial revision is Preliminary and through the first change order, the revision can be set to ‘A’ or any name entered by the user. In Product Development, the initial revision is set to ‘A’ (not Preliminary) but can be modified by the user. We suggest the use of ‘PRE’ or ‘0’ or ‘00’ to denote ‘Preliminary’ in Product Development. This revision must be present in the data load as you can't backdate revisions after an item is created. Since this revision must have a date for the data load, and there's no equivalent data in Agile PLM, use a back date such as 1901/01/01.

It’s recommended that you don’t bring in all revisions of an item and bring in only the last revision. If importing change orders, bring in only one change order without revision control pertaining to this last revision. The first revision (which is equivalent to Preliminary in Agile PLM) must be present during data load, and since there's no equivalent data in Agile PLM, use a back date such as 1901/01/01.

When importing Page Two and Page Three attribute values into Item Extensible Flexfields (EFFs), use the EGO_ITEM_INTF_EFF_B tab, NOT the EGO_ITEM_REVISION_INTF_EFF_B tab. Imported EFF values aren't revision-specific and thus will be the same for each revision you create during import.