Create Parts Return List

Use the Create Parts Return List scheduled process to create a list of excess and defective parts in the field service technicians' trunk stock.

When to Use

You can use this process to ensure the field service technicians aren’t carrying unneeded parts and are returning defective parts on time. Run this process frequently to assess the health of your field technician stocking locations.

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Use these specifications to run the process:

Specification Description
Job Type You can schedule this process to run at frequent intervals, for example once every week.
Frequency The frequency for running this process depends on the volume of your field service operations. If it’s a high-volume operation, you may want to run this job multiple times a week to keep an optimized field-technician inventory.
Time of Day Ideally, you should run this process during a low-activity period.
Duration The process should not take more than a few minutes to complete.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the job running at any time, and there’s no need to run multiple instances of this process simultaneously.


Use these parameters when you run the scheduled process:

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Stocking Location Optional Select the stocking location from which you must identify the excess and defective parts. List of values containing the stocking locations for the technician type. None
Return Type Optional Select this parameter to identify the type of parts that must be included in the return list. List of values identifying the type of return. Possible values are Excess and Defective. None

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can view the status of the job on the Scheduled Processes UI.

  • If any of the processes end with a warning or error, you should review the output logs. You might need to correct the data and initiate the process again.