Import Maintenance Programs

Use the Import Maintenance Programs scheduled process to create and update program attributes in bulk using a File-Based Data Import (FBDI).

Maintenance programs define and generate a daily preventative maintenance forecast for one or more affected assets in a maintenance-enabled organization and is used as the basis for creating preventative maintenance work orders. The forecast reduces the workload for maintenance planners, and allows them to focus on maintenance program auditing, optimization, and exception-based events.

When to Use

Use the Import Maintenance Programs scheduled process to:

  • Create new programs, calendar patterns, and work requirements.
  • Add new work requirements to an existing program.
  • Update program header and work requirement details.
  • Update applicability for assets in a work requirement.

The import process includes these tasks:

  • Download and update the latest spreadsheet for your update.
  • Transfer data to the interface tables.
  • Run the import maintenance program scheduled process.
  • Verify the process output logs.

Privileges Required

  • Load File to Interface (FUN_FSCM_FILE_TO_INTERFACE_PRIV)
  • Load Interface File for Import (FUN_FSCM_LOAD_INTERFACES_PRIV)
  • Manage File Import and Export (FND_MANAGE_FILE_IMPORT_AND_EXPORT_PRIV)
  • Import Maintenance Programs (MNT_IMPORT_MAINTENANCE_PROGRAMS_PRIV)


Specification Description
Job Type As needed. Run only after importing an FBDI file for a unique import batch number.
Frequency As needed. Run after importing the FBDI file.
Time of Day

Run these scheduled processes first, before you import new data:

  • Generate Maintenance Forecast
  • Generate Maintenance Work Orders
Duration Typically, less than a few minutes. Depends on the volume of data being created or updated.
Compatibility Only one instance of the job should be running for a unique import batch number. Submit a new job for another unique batch number only after the previous one has completed and the output logs have been reviewed.


The process typically runs when you select the batch number of the uploaded data file.

Parameter Optional or Mandatory Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required Notes
Batch (number) Required The unique import batch number in which the maintenance program rows are grouped for processing in the interface tables. A list of values displays all batch numbers that are ready for import. None NA

Troubleshooting Information

  • Import file creation:
    • Create the file directly from the source Excel template by following the instructions on the first tab of the file. This will create a .ZIP file that's used for import.
  • File import using the Load Interface File for Import scheduled process:
    • Run the process to select and load the file into the interface tables.
    • View the status of the Load Interface File for Import job on the Scheduled Processes UI.
    • The process creates multiple child processes to transfer the .ZIP file and load data from each of the .CSV files contained in the .ZIP file.
    • If any of the processes end in a Warning or Error status, review their output logs. You may need to correct the data in the import file, define a new unique batch number, and start the process again by uploading the new .ZIP file.
  • File processing using the Import Maintenance Programs scheduled process:
    • Run the process to select and load the file into the interface tables.
    • View the status of the import job on the Scheduled Processes UI.
    • The process creates a child process to import the data and process it from the interface tables.
    • If any of the processes end in a Warning or Error status, review their output logs. You may need to correct the data in the import file, define a new unique batch number, and start the process again by uploading the new .ZIP file and then processing the file.
  • The upload or import of data may result in a warning or error status due to issues with the data. When this occurs, the data can no longer be processed from the interface tables. If this is the case, the Asset Administrator can run the Purge Records from Interface process to delete the asset data from the interface tables from all or just a specific import process. You can run the scheduled process on demand or on a schedule, as required by your business processes.

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