Reserve Materials Automatically

Use the Reserve Materials Automatically scheduled process to reserve materials for the work order.

You can select multiple work orders in the Manage Work Order UI or the Material Availability Assignments UI and using the Mass Action Reserve Materials Automatically action, launch the scheduled process and then the system reserves the on-hand quantity at the organization level for the work order materials in inventory.

When to Use

This action helps the shop floor personnel to automatically reserve the materials for the work orders directly from the Manage Work Order UI or Material Availability Assignments UI. Upon executing the scheduled process, the materials of the selected work orders are reserved based on the ATR (available to reserve) quantity in inventory.

Privileges Required

  • Reserve Materials Automatically for Work Orders (WIP_MANAGE_WORK_ORDER_MATERIAL_RESERVATIONS_PRIV)


Review the following before setting up this scheduled process:

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed.
Frequency As required.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Run time of this process will vary based on the volume of data records.
Compatibility There can be multiple instances at the same time for separate work orders.


The parameters are not manually specified by the user, and they are derived by the system.

Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Organization Required Organizations (or plants) that you want to reserve materials for work orders. Organization (or plant) from where you execute the Reserve Materials Manually action. None
Work Order Required The work order number. N/A None
Operation Sequence Required The work order operation sequence number. N/A None
Item Required The work order operation item. N/A None
Quantity Required Quantity of the item to be reserved. N/A None
UOM Required Primary unit of measure of the item to be reserved. N/A None
Project Number Optional The project number associated with the work order. This parameter is available if the organization is tracked by project. N/A None
Task Number Optional The task number associated with the work order. This parameter is available if the organization is tracked by project. N/A None

Troubleshooting Information

  • You can only execute the Reserve Materials Automatically action and launch the scheduled process for work orders in Unreleased and Released statuses.
  • If a reservation has been made for one or more materials of the work order, then the lock icon is displayed for the work order.