Mass Close Work Orders

Use the Close Work Orders scheduled process to periodically close work orders. You can invoke this process by using Close Work Order task from the Manufacturing Work Execution work area task menu.

This scheduled process is secured, so that only users who have the appropriate privilege are allowed to perform the close action. Also, users are mandated to enter search parameters, so that the close action is not performed unintentionally.

When to Use

The Close Work Orders process is used to close work orders after they have been executed and completed. Through this process, you can select multiple work orders based on the parameters such as work order number, dates, status, and items; close them, and subsequently perform costing action separately. You can't make any further updates to closed work orders.

Privileges Required



Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed.
Frequency As required.
Time of Day Any time.
Duration Varies depending on parameters selected and the volume of data to be processed.
Compatibility There can only be one instance of the Close Work Orders process running at a given time, any remaining requests will be in the queue.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Organization Required Organization (or plant) for which you want to close work orders. This is a hidden field in the UI. Derived from the organization context of the work execution work area from where the task is invoked. None
From Work Order Number Required (conditional) Starting work order number used to restrict the selection to the range of work orders. N/A Either the work order number or the work order start date is required.
To Work Order Number Optional Ending work order number used to restrict the selection to the range of work orders. N/A None
From Work Order Start Date Required (conditional) Used to restrict the selection to the date range of work order scheduled start date. N/A Either the work order number or the work order start date is required.
To Work Order Start Date Optional Used to restrict the selection to the date range of work order scheduled start date. N/A None
From Work Order Release Date Optional Used to restrict the selection to the date range of work order release date. N/A None
To Work Order Release Date Optional Used to restrict the selection to the date range of work order release date. N/A None
From Work Order Completed Date Optional Used to restrict the selection to the date range of work order completion date. N/A None
To Work Order Completed Date Optional Used to restrict the selection to the date range of work order completion date. N/A None
Work Order Product Optional Item that is being manufactured using the work order. N/A None
Item Category Optional Category to which the items belong to. Name of the category that is used to group items for specific purposes like reporting, usage and so on. N/A None
Work Order Status Optional Status of the work order. All, Released, Unreleased, On Hold, Canceled, Completed and the respective user-defined statuses. None
Closed Date Optional Date and time when the work order is closed. Date and time. None

Troubleshooting Information

  • The Close Work Orders process will ignore the pending transaction records in the interface that are more than 30 minutes old, and you need not run purge program every time for closing work orders. The successfully closed work orders as well as the errors if any, are displayed in the scheduled process output.
  • You can adjust a closed date that is in the past and not earlier than the last transaction date of the work order, but you can't change the closed date to a future date. If left blank, then the application uses the current application date.
  • The search parameters that comprise the date, are date only fields and not date/time fields. Hence, if you want to close the work order for a specific day and provide the from work order start date and the To work order start date as the same date, since this is a date field, it will search from today 00.00.00 to today 00.00.00. Depending upon the time zone, you need to specify from and to dates in day rollover, so that you get the desired result.