Purge Records from Interface

You can use the Purge Records from Interface scheduled process to purge all the interface records and also purge unprocessed interface records. You can purge interface records for the following: Work Definitions, Work Orders, Material Transactions, Resource Transactions, and Operation Transactions interfaces.

When to Use

After completion a transaction, the batch and interface records may be retained depending on outcome status. Over a period of time, large volume of such records gets accumulated. These interface records are purged using the scheduled process.

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Use these specifications when you run the scheduled process.

Specification Description
Job Type Scheduled or as needed
Frequency If you have lot of REST interactions, it is recommended to have this run periodically.
Time of Day Off peak hours, running the purge scheduled process with any other mode other than All can lead to a slower performance of the application transactions and locking.
Duration Varies, depending on the volume of data that is considered to purge. If your batches include a lot of records in the interface, then the process needs more time to finish.
Compatibility There should be only one instance of the process running at any one time.


Parameter Optional or Required Description Parameter Value Special Combinations Required
Interface Name Required Interface entity for which purging of records will be performed.
  • Work order (default)
  • Work order material transaction
  • Work order resource transaction
  • Work order operation transaction
  • Work definition
  • All (recommended)
From Batch Optional Starting batch code considered for purging the records. N/A Not applicable if the Interface Name is All
To Batch Optional Ending batch code considered for purging the records. N/A Not applicable if Interface Name is All
From Last Update Date Optional Starting of the last update date considered for purging the records. N/A Not applicable if the Interface Name is All
To Last Update Date Optional Ending of the last update date considered for purging the records. N/A None
Purge unprocessed batches Optional To purge unprocessed batches for all entities. Unchecked by default Applicable only if the Interface Name is All

Troubleshooting Information

  • Interface records that are yet to be interfaced to Genealogy won't be purged.
  • Sometimes large volume of records gets struck in the interface tables, and this could cause huge backlog of records and performance issues. To overcome such situation, the option to purge all interface records is used.
    • If the option for Interface Name is selected as All, then From Batch, To Batch and From Last Update Date will be disabled.
    • To Last Update Date will be enabled and you can’t specify a future date.
    • Also, the Purge unprocessed batches option is shown. Upon selecting this option, even records in a READY status will be purged.
    • The scheduled process will purge all records except COMPLETED, GENEALOGY_ERROR, and purge records that weren't created within last 24 hours.