Manage Customer Claims

The Manage Claims page summarizes all the claims from the business units you have access to. The claim number generated is based on the Claim Source setup.

  • A positive claim investigation or channel revenue claim line in a Receivables receipt creates an overpayment in Channel Revenue Management.

  • A negative claim investigation or channel revenue claim line in a Receivables receipt creates a deduction in Channel Revenue Management.

From the Claim summary page, you can:

  • Search for claims directly, or with multiple parameters using filters. Use Search to search through the filtered claims displayed on the page. You can create saved searches and select one of them as your default search option. You can filter using the following parameters:

    • Age
    • Amount
    • Bill-to Account
    • Bill-to Customer
    • Business Unit
    • Claim Number
    • Claim Reason
    • Claim Source
    • Claim Type
    • Currency
    • Customer Reference
    • Invoice
    • Invoice Date
    • Mass Settlement Number
    • Open Claims
    • Owner
    • Ship-to Customer
    • Specify an Owner
    • Status
  • Create manual claims.

  • Assign claim owners.

  • Review write-off claims to validate your set thresholds periodically.

  • Export the filtered claims to a spreadsheet. If the number of rows is less than or equal to 500, then the spreadsheet is available immediately, and your browser downloads it directly. If the number of rows is greater than 500, then the spreadsheet is generated in the background and is available in the Notifications area of the application.

Note: For more information about implementation setups related to Deductions and Settlement, see Implementing Channel Revenue Management guide.

How to Assign a Claim Owner

Claim owners are responsible for processing claims assigned to them. You can auto-assign claims using the following setups:

  • At the business unit level using the Manage Channel Settings page.

  • At the customer, account, or site level using the Manage Customer Trade Profiles page.

You can directly update claim owners from the Manage Claims page, or from the Claim details page. If the claim doesn't have an owner at the time of scheduling the Settle Customer Claims process, the user who schedules the process is assigned as the claim owner.

Mass Assign Customer Claims

The claims supervisor can assign multiple claims to a single owner.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Claims page.

  2. Filter and select the claims for which you want to reassign the ownership.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Assign Claims.

  4. The Assign Selected Claims To dialog box opens. Select the owner from the Owner list.

  5. Click OK.

How to Assign Thresholds for Auto Write-offs

The research and resolution of customer claims can be a very labor-intensive proposition. Write-offs are important to ensure a return on the investment of time and resources working on claims. While Receivables implements write-off thresholds by user, Deductions and Settlement write-off thresholds can be set at the business unit, customer, account, or bill-to site level. Auto write-off can happen in 2 situations:

  • Upon claim creation, if a claim is under the threshold, it's automatically written off and pushed to Settlement Pending status available for settlement.

  • During settlement, if a claim after tax has a remaining amount under the threshold, it will be automatically written off and settled.

A claims analyst can set a customer, account, or bill-to site level threshold for write-offs in the Customer Trade Profile. The administrator sets the business unit level threshold, but it's displayed in the Manage Customer Trade Profiles page.

To deter customers from short paying under the threshold, you can proactively review the auto write offs in 1 of 2 methods. You will usually review write offs for a specific customer account or bill to only. A supervisor can temporarily lower the threshold of a specific customer account or bill to and investigate these claims. If the investigations show that these claims are valid, then the threshold can be reinstated. It is less likely, however, you can review all auto write offs for a business unit. This review process, in the context of current claims identified for auto write-offs, can be performed periodically to understand how customers are using your thresholds. A supervisor can use the Manage Claims page to review Eligible for Write-Off claims and assign these claims to others for further investigation.

  1. An administrator sets an owner to review eligible write-off claims by enabling the Write-off Reviewer channel setting. After it's enabled, auto write-off claims remain in the Open status, awaiting review.

  2. The reviewer must have the Review Claim Write-Offs privilege to approve the write-offs. If you have this privilege, the Write-Off button appears in the Action menu of the claim pages.

  3. In the Manage Claims page, filtered by status Open, and with the Eligible for Write-Off column displayed, the reviewer can see claims with write-offs and review them.

  4. The reviewer can mark specific claims and assign them for further investigation. This can be performed in mass in the Manage Claims page or in the detailed claims pages.

  5. The reviewer can approve the write-off and make it available for settlement. Settlement can be done in mass and individually from the Manage Claims page or in the detailed Claims page through the Action menu and selecting Write-Off.

  6. Adjust thresholds accordingly based on the outcome of investigations.

  7. When the review is complete, don't forget to go back to disable the Write-off Reviewer channel setting.

How to do manual write-offs

There are 2 write-off flows. A threshold-driven write-off approach focuses on not investigating claims based on a balance between the cost of investigating a claim versus writing it off. Deduction write-off is an auditable process with approvals to close disputed claims after proper investigation.

  1. You determine a write-off threshold, and claims under that threshold will be automatically written off and processed without any user intervention or approval. There is a review process that can be engaged periodically to review claims under the threshold.
  2. A claim analyst determines that a deduction is invalid but the customer disagrees and refuses to pay it back. If the deduction is still in dispute after a long period of time, it needs to be written off.

    • You can take the defaulted receivables activity, or specify a different one if applicable, and submit for approval.

    • After approvals, it is in Settlement Pending status.

    • The resolution is noted on the Resolution tab.

    • After approval, the settlement is done in Receivables and after the Settle Customer Claims scheduled process is run, the claim is settled.

    • You can see the settled claim with the write-off adjustment number in the Confirmation tab.

Update Multiple Claims

Deduction departments might be responsible for resolving millions of deductions each year. A single dispute or issue might have hundreds or thousands of related deductions. The Mass Update capability provides you with the ability to:

  • Search and select multiple customer claims.

  • Confirm you have selected the correct claims.

  • Update the selected claims.

Updatable attributes include:

  • Claim type

  • Claim Reason

  • Status

  • Owner

  • Descriptive flexfields with a global context

  • Notes and attachments.

The Mass Update Claims scheduled process is launched automatically to ensure a responsive user experience.

Settle Multiple Claims

Deduction departments might be responsible for resolving millions of deductions each year. A single dispute or issue might have hundreds or thousands of related deductions. Mass Settlement allows claim analysts to quickly and efficiently resolve and submit multiple related open deductions together, rather than settle each claim separately. Each related claim is given a unique Mass Settlement Number that serves as a tracking number for that single dispute.

The Mass Settle capability provides you with the ability to:

  • Search and select multiple customer claims, limited to manual, deduction, and invoice deduction claims.

  • Confirm you have selected the correct claims.

  • Resolve selected claims either by credit memo with a single item, single memo line description, or as a manual write-off with a receivables activity.

The Mass Settle Claims scheduled process is launched automatically to ensure a responsive user experience.

The table below summarizes what claim sources can be resolved, how claims can be resolved, and the resulting Receivables transaction in each use case.

Selected Claim Sources

Resolve by

Settlement via Receivables Transaction

Invoice Deduction

Credit Memo

  • With single item

  • With single-line description

Credit Memo - On Invoice

Invoice Deduction


  • With receivables activity

Write-Off Adjustment

Manual Claim

Credit Memo

  • With single item

  • With single-line description

Credit Memo - On Account



  • With receivables activity

Receipt Write-Off

When you mass settle claims, you specify a settlement method (either Credit Memo or Manual Write-off). Optionally, you can provide a unique Mass Settlement Number or let the application generate one for you. You can also specify:

  • Claim type and claim reason

  • Owner

  • Notes and attachments.

  • Descriptive flexfields with a global context.

You can also search claims by the Mass Settlement Number, Claim Source, and the Invoice Date Range.