Create a Warranty Contract

Click Create to render a drawer to the right. Here, you can select an asset, coverage, and other inputs that are used to create a new contract:

Attribute Required? Description
Asset Number Yes

Asset for which the contract will be created.

The asset list of values uses the asset smart search. Therefore, the asset smart search must be enabled, and the latest asset data ingested. Clicking on the asset list of values will call the smart search and return a list of assets.

However, you will want to further refine these results by entering search text. After you enter each character, the smart search will return a further refined list of results as it finds matching characters across asset fields.

Coverage Name Yes

The name of a coverage for which they will be created.

The coverage list of values uses a query search using the warranty coverages REST API. Clicking on the coverage list of values will not return any results by default. This type of search requires you to enter at least 3 characters before it will query the coverages and return a list of results.

Start Date Yes The beginning date of coverage under the warranty contract. This date will be used to calculate the contract end date if the coverage has a duration and unit of measure defined.
Status Yes The status can be set to Draft or Ready during creation. If set to Draft, then you can edit the contract before changing to Ready. After it’s set to Ready, the status can’t be changed back to Draft.
External Reference Number No Optional field used to define a contract reference. Examples could be a purchase order number.
Contract Notes No Optional field used to describe the contract.

If you decide not to create the contract, click Cancel to return to the search results. After you have defined the inputs for a new contract, click Create to create the Contract. You can navigate to the Warranty Contract guided process to review and further edit the Contract.