How You Create Supplier Warranty Provider Rates

The supplier warranty provider rates resource manages the reimbursable labor rates for a warranty provider over time.

Manage Labor Reimbursement Rates

You can use the Manage Labor Reimbursement Rates page to search for existing labor reimbursement rates, view labor reimbursement rates details, and to create a new labor reimbursement rate. You can access the Manage Labor Reimbursement Rates page from the Maintenance Management landing page task menu, under the Maintenance Setup section. This page consists of a search bar, results region, and an action button to create a new labor reimbursement rate. Upon rendering, the page automatically presents a list of search results sorted alphabetically. The search bar allows you to further refine the search results for existing labor reimbursement rates by warranty provider and warranty provider number. Clicking the action pencil icon on an existing row, you can further edit and save any changes to the labor reimbursement rate.

  1. Open the Labor Reimbursement Rates page by clicking the Manage Labor Reimbursement Rates link on the Tasks pane.
  2. On the Labor Reimbursement Rates displays the following fields:
Field Description
Warranty Provider Name of the warranty provider who provides warranty coverage.
Warranty Provider Number Number that uniquely identifies the warranty provider who provides warranty coverage.
Currency Name of the currency of the labor rate.
Hourly Rate Value that identifies the labor rate per hour for a resource.
Submission Due In(Days) Value that identifies the number of days in which a claim must be submitted based on the claim date.
Start Date The date on which the supplier warranty labor reimbursement rate becomes active.
End Date The date on which the supplier warranty labor reimbursement rate becomes inactive.
Actions A menu that indicates the available user actions.
Active Displays all the active supplier warranty labor reimbursement rate.
All Displays all the supplier warranty labor reimbursement rate.
Inactive Displays all the inactive supplier warranty labor reimbursement rate.

Define a Labor Reimbursement Rates

By clicking the + icon (Create Labor Rates), a new row gets added. You provide here the warranty provider, currency, hourly rate, submission due in, start date, and end date of a labor reimbursement rate and click on the tickicon. You can define and save a new labor reimbursement rate. You may click the × icon to remove the newly added row.

Note: Supplier warranty labor reimbursement rate must have a date before or equal to the contract start date.