How You Print a Maintenance Work Definition Report

The Maintenance Work Definition Report contains a list of work definitions and their details, describing how to perform a specific maintenance activity. The report provides a complete view of the work definition header and each operation's materials and resources requirements. You have the flexibility to control the creation, view, download, and printing of the report using a .PDF format.

Note: The report will only reference Work Definitions in the contextual Maintenance Organization. However, you can't generate a report across Maintenance Organizations.

The maintenance work definition report provides you the ability to perform:

  • Offline review to ensure that the work definition has been set up correctly.

  • Exchange information offline, for example, with quality engineers, operators, and so on.

You can access a Work Order Material List Report from multiple pages in the application:

  • Manage Maintenance Work Definitions Page

    You can generate the report for a single work definition row returned in the results table by selecting the row level action labeled Print Work Definition Report. This action generates an on-demand report in a .PDF format for you to review.

  • Maintenance Management work area task panel

    The Print Maintenance Work Definition Report task navigates you to a report page. This page enables you to run a scheduled process to generate and view the maintenance work report based on one or more optional report parameters. In addition, you can use the advanced options to schedule the report to regularly run on a schedule.

    The report is for work definitions only in the contextual organization. You can change the Organization in the page header and run the report again for any Maintenance Organization.

  • Scheduled Processes page

    You can schedule a process to generate the Print Maintenance Work Definition Report from this page. The parameters and advanced options are also the same. The report is for the Work Definitions only in the contextual organization.

The Print Maintenance Work Definition page provides the following parameters that you can select from or enter to generate the report. These parameters are optional, if you don't define any parameters, then the report runs for all the Work Definitions in the contextual Organization. By default, all versions of a Work Definition are included in the report.



Work Definition Name

The name of the work definition for which you're generating the maintenance work definition report.

Work Definition As-of Date

The effective date of the work definition version.

From Version

The first version number in the range of work definition versions for generating the maintenance work definition report.

To Version

The last version number in the range of work definition versions for generating the maintenance work definition report.

Version Start Date

The start date of the specific work definition version.

Version End Date

The end date of the specific work definition version.

Additional Operation Details

Specify whether you want the additional operation details in the maintenance work definition report. The valid values are Yes and No.

Count Point Operations Only

Specify whether you want to include only the count point operations in the maintenance work definition report. The valid values are Yes and No.

Additional Component Details

Specify whether you want the additional component details in the maintenance work definition report. The valid values are Yes and No.

Work Center Resources

Specify whether you want to include the work center resources in the maintenance work definition report.

You can run the scheduled process on demand or schedule it to run at a specific internal of time. To run the scheduled process at a specific schedule or time, you can click the Advanced button and then in the Schedule tab, select Using a schedule from the Run option. Now, you can select the frequency and enter a start date for the scheduled process to run.