How You Review Recommendations for Maintenance Program Optimization

You can review the recommendations for optimizing the work requirement intervals of a maintenance program on a regular basis. After reviewing the recommendations, you can either accept, reject, or override the open recommendations. The accepted recommendations automatically update the impacted maintenance program.

The Maintenance Cloud Overview page displays the count of open recommendations. You can click the count to navigate to the Recommendation page.

On the Recommendation page, you can review the open recommendations and take actions on these recommendations. The page displays the open recommendation in new, viewed, or failed status.

For each recommendation, you can do the following:

  • View the work requirement for which the recommendation is given along with the reason and confidence percentage for the recommendation.

  • Select whether you want to accept, reject, or override the recommendation.

  • Enter comments for the selected action.

  • Select the reason for rejection or override.

A confirmation message is displayed on successful submission. The message also provides confirmation of any changes made to the concerned work requirement.

Note: You can also perform mass action on the recommendations by selecting Accept All, Reject All, or Override all from the Mass Action menu.

The Recommendation page displays the following fields:




The status of the recommendation. The valid values that are displayed for each recommendation are: New, Viewed, and Failed.


The type of the recommendation. Currently, the only type supported is work requirement.


The name of the work requirement for which the recommendation is applicable. The work requirement name is shown as link and opens the work requirement in edit mode on clicking.


The insight from the recommendation engine showing reason for the recommendation.


The recommendation for the work requirement.


The confidence in the predictive model as a percentage between 0 and 100 percentage.


The action that you want to submit for the recommendation. The valid values are: Accept, Reject, and Override.


Comment for the action that's being submitted.


Reason for rejecting or overriding the recommendation.

New Value

The new value to be entered for overriding the recommendation when the selected action is Override.