OTBI for Oracle Maintenance

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) offers you real time, self-service reporting directly from Oracle Maintenance. It's a dynamic reporting layer built keeping the business user in mind.

You can create and view the OTBI analysis using the Reports and Analytics option. You can also be access it from the Navigator by selecting it from the Tools option on the Home page. You can also make this page a Favorite.

If you have been assigned the Maintenance Manager role by your enterprise, you can automatically access the manufacturing-related OTBI subject areas. The analysis can be performed only for those organizations that you have access to.

OTBI provides the following Maintenance subject areas, which you can use to build modified analysis:

  • Installed Base - Meter Based Asset Usage Real Time

    Provides real time information on asset usage based on meter readings.

  • Maintenance Management - Asset Real Time

    Provides information about Assets and the Actual Quantity Used.

  • Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time

    Provides real time information on forecasts generated from work requirements of specified maintenance programs.

  • Maintenance Management - Material Usage Real Time

    Provides information about Material Usage Planned, Actual and Variance quantity, issued and returned quantity of the components.

  • Maintenance Management - Purchased Item Usage Real Time

    Provides information about direct procurement of items for the work order. This includes purchased item quantities that were requested, ordered, received, returned, and so on.

  • Maintenance Management - Resource Usage Real Time

    Provides information about Resource Usage Planned, Actual, and Variance quantity.

  • Maintenance Management - Work Order Performance Real Time

    Provides information about work order performance. This includes work order aging, cycle times, number of work orders, and so on.

  • Maintenance Management - Work Requirement Real Time

    Provides real time information on maintenance programs and related work requirements.

  • Maintenance Management - Asset History Real Time

    Provides real time information of asset history.

OTBI provides the following Install Base subject areas, which you can use to build modified analysis for customer assets:

  • Installed Base - Customer Asset Real Time

    This subject area provides real time information on customer asset definition and related customer details. Only assets that have a customer defined will be included.

  • Installed Base - Customer Asset Structure Real Time

    This subject area provides real time visibility into customer asset structures. Each structure is a list of components associated to a configured asset when it's shipped.

  • Installed Base - Asset History Real Time

    This subject area provides real time of installed base assets.

Here are the dimensions, key facts, and metrics for each subject area:

Subject Area


Key facts

Key Metrics

Installed Base - Meter Based Asset Usage Real Time

  • Asset Details

  • Item

  • Item Organization

  • Maintenance Organization

  • Meter Details

  • Meter Reading

  • Meter Reading Details

  • Time-Meter Reading Date

  • Work Center

  • Work Order

  • Reading value

  • Reading displayed value

  • Reading net change

  • Reading net value (life-to-date value)

Net meter reading value

Maintenance Management - Asset Real Time

  • Asset

  • Asset Details

  • Asset Group

  • Asset Group Assignment

  • Asset Group Rule

  • Inventory Organization

  • Product

  • Time of Planned Start Date

  • Work Center

  • Work Order

  • Work Order Status

  • Asset Number

  • Asset Descriptive Flexfields

  • Work Order Name

  • Scheduled Start Date

  • Scheduled End Date

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Enable for Customer Self Service

  • Service Request Enabled

  • Actual Quantity Usage in Primary UOM

  • Actual Quantity Usage in Primary UOM

Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time

  • Asset Details

  • Calendar Pattern

  • Forecast Details

  • Forecast Line

  • Forecasts

  • Maintenance Organization

  • Maintenance Program

  • Production

  • Time-Forecast

  • Work Center

  • Work Definition

  • Work Order

  • Work Order Status

  • Work Requirement Details

  • Forecast Date

  • Forecast Meter Reading

  • Forecast Sequence

  • Suppressed Option

  • Work Order Name

  • Scheduled Start Date

  • Scheduled End Date

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

Maintenance Management - Material Usage Real Time

  • Current On-Hand Inventory
  • Inventory Material

  • Inventory Organization

  • Inventory Project Details

  • Material Transaction Details

  • Material Usage

  • Product

  • Project Details

  • Time of Planned Start Date

  • Transaction Project Details

  • Work Definition

  • Work Order

  • Work Order Operations

  • Work Order Status

  • On Hand Balance
  • On Hand Balance in Secondary UOM
  • Work Order Name

  • Operation Name

  • Scheduled Start Date

  • Scheduled End Date

  • Status

  • Item

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Transaction Date

  • Actual Usage Quantity

  • Material Issued Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Material Issued Quantity in Secondary UOM

  • Material Issued Quantity in Transaction UOM

  • Material Returned Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Material Returned Quantity in Secondary UOM

  • Material Returned Quantity in Transaction UOM

  • Planned Usage Quantity

  • Reserved Quantity

  • Usage Quantity Variance

  • Usage Quantity Variance %

Maintenance Management - Purchased Item Usage Real Time

  • Asset Details

  • Maintenance Organization

  • Procurement Item

  • Product

  • Project Details

  • Purchase Order

  • Purchased Item Usage

  • Receipt, Returns and Corrections

  • Requester

  • Requisition

  • Time of Planned Start Date

  • Work Center

  • Work Order

  • Work Order Operations

  • Work Order Status

  • Item

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Purchase Order

  • Need By Date

  • Promised Date

  • Correct Receipt Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Correct Receipt Quantity in Secondary UOM

  • Correct Return Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Correct Return Quantity in Secondary UOM

  • Delivered Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Delivered Quantity in Secondary UOM

  • Purchase Order Amount

  • Purchase Order Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Requisition Amount

  • Requisition Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Requisition Quantity in Secondary UOM

  • Return to Receiving Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Return to Receiving Quantity in Secondary UOM

  • Return to Supplier Quantity in Primary UOM

  • Return to Supplier Quantity in Secondary UOM

Maintenance Management - Resource Usage Real Time

  • Inventory Organization

  • Product

  • Project Details

  • Resource

  • Resource Instance

  • Resource Transaction Details

  • Resource Usage

  • Time of Planned Start Date

  • Transaction Project Details

  • Work Center

  • Work Definition

  • Work Order

  • Work Order Operation Resources

  • Work Order Operations

  • Work Order Status

  • Work Order Name

  • Operation Name

  • Scheduled Start Date

  • Scheduled End Date

  • Status

  • Resource Name

  • Resource Type

  • Resource Instance

  • Asset Name

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Transaction Date

  • Transaction Note

  • Actual Quantity Usage

  • Planned Quantity Usage

  • Usage Quantity Variance

  • Usage Quantity Variance %

Maintenance Management - Work Requirement Real Time

  • Asset Details

  • Calendar Pattern

  • Condition Event

  • Maintenance Organization

  • Maintenance Program

  • Meter

  • Product

  • Time - Maintenance Program

  • Time - Work Requirement

  • Work Center

  • Work Definition

  • Work Requirement Details

  • Work Requirements

  • Asset Name

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Count of Assets with Work Requirements

  • Count of Total Assets

  • Count of Work Requirements

  • Percentage of Assets with Maintenance Programs

Maintenance Management - Asset History Real Time

  • Asset History

  • Asset History Count

  • Customer

  • Customer Asset Detail

  • Inventory Location

  • Item

  • Item Organization

  • Work Center Location

  • Asset Attributes Changes

  • Asset Location Changes

  • Sales Order Changes

  • Split from Asset

  • Work Order Changes

  • Asset Transaction Count

Installed Base - Customer Asset Real Time

  • Asset Group

  • Asset Group Assignment

  • Asset Group Rule

  • Bill-to Customer

  • Bill-to Customer Account

  • Bill-to Customer Account Site

  • Bill-to Customer Site

  • Business Unit

  • Current Location Details

  • Customer

  • Customer Asset Details

  • Customer Assets

  • Item

  • Item Organization

  • Time

  • Asset Number

  • Customer Asset Descriptive Flexfields

  • Item

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • (Customer) Preferred Name

Customer Asset Count

Installed Base - Customer Asset Structure Real Time

  • As Built Asset Structure

  • As Built Asset Structure Details

  • As Sold Asset Structure

  • As Sold Asset Structure Details

  • Customer Asset Details (Child Asset) Build Structure

  • Customer Asset Details (Child Asset) Sold Structure

  • Customer Asset Details (Parent Asset) Build Structure

  • Customer Asset Details (Parent Asset) Sold Structure

  • Item Organization (Child Asset) Build Structure

  • Item Organization (Child Asset) Sold Structure

  • Item Organization (Parent Asset) Build Structure

  • Item Organization (Parent Asset) Sold Structure

  • Item (Child Asset) Build Structure

  • Item (Child Asset) Sold Structure

  • Item (Parent Asset)

  • Item (Parent Asset) Sold Structure

  • Time

  • Asset Number

  • Customer Asset Descriptive Flexfields

  • Item

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure

  • Item Primary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure

  • Item Secondary Unit of Measure Quantity

  • (Customer) Preferred Name

Installed Base - Customer Asset History Real Time

  • Asset Detail

  • Asset History

  • Asset History Count

  • Inventory Organization

  • Product

  • Work Center

  • Work Order

  • Asset Attributes Changes

  • Asset Location Changes

  • Sales Order Changes

  • Split from Asset

  • Work Order Changes

  • Asset Transaction Count

Creating an Analysis

The following section explains some subject areas in detail and provides guidance on creating different analysis for the different subject areas.

For more information about the subject areas, see the Subject Areas chapter in the Creating and Administering Analytics and Reports for SCM guide.

Maintenance Management - Forecast Real Time

This subject area provides real time information for creating an analysis of the forecast for a Maintenance Program. You can use these data dimension folders to create your analysis:

  • Asset Details

  • Calendar Pattern

  • Forecast Details

  • Forecast Line

  • Forecasts

  • Maintenance Organization

  • Maintenance Program

  • Product

  • Time-Forecast

  • Work Center

  • Work Definition

  • Work Order

  • Work Order Status

  • Work Requirement Details

To properly create an analysis, its important to understand what data dimensions are available in these folders, how they're related, and how they relate to the data model:

  1. Select the columns that will be included in the analysis.

  2. Select a Table layout.

  3. Edit the Table layout, define sorting and filtering, and save the analysis in your folders with a unique analysis name and description.

  4. Now. you can use the analysis to query your data.

    Note: Optionally, you can minimally define the analysis during creation and then perform these edits after creation in the context of your data by providing more realistic creation and output comparisons of real-time data.
  5. Navigate to the Browse Catalog option from the Reports and Analytics page.

    This opens a new tab for the Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence application. You can then look for your newly created analysis under the My Folders drop down.

  6. Click Edit on your analysis, which will render the Results tab that returns a query of your data.

  7. After you created your analysis, click on the Criteria tab to view the data dimension folders and edit the selected columns.

  8. Drag and drop columns and arrange them as per your requirement.

  9. Optionally, use the Settings icon to format your data to perform the following tasks:

    • Define the sort order

    • Edit a formula

    • View and edit column properties, which includes formatting numbers in the results data

    • Create and edit a filter

    • Delete the column from the analysis

    • Save the column as a special object

  10. Optionally, you can edit, copy, or remove the filter that you applied.

  11. If you remove the selected column for the filter, the filter still remains to be in use. Remove the filter as well.

  12. Now, you select additional columns and apply filters.

  13. Click the Results tab to see a refreshed analysis of your data.

  14. You can then adjust the selected columns, filter and sort options to refine your analysis results.

Here's the sample order of attributes and formatting in the Selected Columns region for a Maintenance Forecast analysis, including key details about the forecast method and resulting due dates and Work Orders:



Data Dimension Description

Formatting Ideas

Maintenance Program

Maintenance Program Name

Name of the Program

Add a filter to limit the analysis to a single Maintenance Program

Work Requirement Details

Work Requirement Name

Name of the Work Requirement

Add a filter to limit the analysis to a single Work Requirement in a Maintenance Program

Work Requirement Details

Work Requirement Start Date

Start Date

Asset Details

Asset Number

Asset Number

Add a filter to only show the forecast for a single asset

Work Requirement Details

Forecast Using Cycle

Yes or No

If yes a cycle interval number is defined

Work Requirement Details

Work Requirement Cycle Interval

If Yes for the Forecast Using Cycle, then the number of intervals in a cycle

Work Requirement Details

Next Work Order Only

Yes, if Next Work Order is created

Work Requirement Details

Calendar Based

Yes, if its calendar based

Calendar Pattern

Calendar Pattern Name

Calendar Pattern name, if defined for the work requirement

Work Requirement Details

Meter Based

Yes, if its meter based

Forecast Line

Meter ID

ID of the Asset Meter that's due in the Forecast, if defined for the work requirement

Forecast Line

Forecast Meter Reading

The forecasted meter reading at which the forecasted due date is calculated

Forecast Line

Forecast Date

Due Date in the Forecast

Add a filter to only show the forecast for certain date ranges

Forecast Line

Forecast Sequence

Represents the due at interval in the cycle of a work definition. If its set to repeat over the cycle, then each iteration will be shown

Work Definition

Work Definition Name

Work Definition Name

Forecast Line

Due at Cycle Interval

Represents at which interval in the cycle a Work Definition is due

Work Order

Work Order Name

Name of the Work Order that a user can recognize

Work Order

Scheduled Start Date

Scheduled Start Date

Work Order Status

Work Order Status

Work Order Status

Using the above sample table, you can create an analysis, which is:

  • Organized by the Maintenance Program and then a Work Requirement

  • Listed with each matching Asset, and the source Work Requirement's forecast method and the resulting sequential Due Dates

  • Displayed for each Due Date, the Forecast sequence, Work Definition, and the resulting Work Order

Additionally, you can move columns around in the Results to change the presentation of the analysis. For example, if you move the Asset Number column before the Forecast Sequence, the analysis will change resulting to Work Requirement focused. You can save your analysis for future use. You can also print or export the analysis for further research using Excel.

Here's the sample order of attributes and formatting for a Work Order analysis using the Forecast subject area. This analysis provides a Work Order schedule that includes meter reading history by the Maintenance Program:



Data Dimension Description

Formatting Ideas

Maintenance Program

Maintenance Program Name

Name of the Program

Add a filter to limit the analysis to a single Maintenance Program

Work Requirement Details

Work Requirement Name

Name of the Work Requirement

Add a filter to limit the analysis to a single Work Requirement in a Maintenance Program

Work Requirement Details

Work Requirement Start Date

Start Date

Asset Details

Asset Number

Asset Number

Add a filter to only show the forecast for a single asset

Forecast Line

Forecast Meter Reading

The forecasted meter reading at which the forecasted due date is calculated

Forecast Line

Forecast Date

Due Date in the Forecast

Add a filter to only show the forecast for certain date ranges

Forecast Line

Forecast Sequence

Represents the due at interval in the cycle of a work definition. If its set to repeat over the cycle, then each iteration will be shown

Work Definition

Work Definition Name

Work Definition Name

Work Order

Work Order Name

Name of the Work Order that a user can recognize

Work Order

Scheduled Start Date

Scheduled Start Date

Work Order

Scheduled End Date

Scheduled End Date

Work Order Status

Work Order Status

Work Order Status

Here's the sample order of attributes and formatting for a Work Order schedule using the Forecast subject area:



Data Dimension Description

Formatting Ideas

Maintenance Organization

Maintenance Organization Code

The Organization for the Maintenance Program

Add a filter to only show a single organization

Forecast Line

Forecast Date

Due Date in the Forecast

Add a filter to only show the forecast for certain date ranges

Asset Details

Asset Number

Asset Number

Add a filter to only show the forecast for a single asset

Calendar Pattern

Calendar Pattern Name

Calendar Pattern name, if defined for the work requirement

Forecast Line

Forecast Meter Reading

The forecasted meter reading at which the forecasted due date is calculated

Work Definition

Work Definition ID

Identification of the Work Definition, useful if work definitions are merged

Work Definition

Work Definition Name

Work Definition Name

Work Order

Work Order Name

Name of the Work Order that a user can recognize

Work Order

Scheduled Start Date

Scheduled Start Date

Work Order

Scheduled End Date

Scheduled End Date

Work Order Status

Work Order Status

Work Order Status

Adding a Deep Link to an Analysis

Deep links can be embedded for an asset or work order directly in related results attributes of an analysis. Here's an example of how you can enable the asset number attribute with an asset details deep link in a simply analysis.

  1. Create a new analysis and add these subject areas:

    • Maintenance Management - Work Order Performance Real Time

    • Maintenance Management - Asset Real Time

  2. Add these fields from the dimension folders:

    • Asset Number

    • Asset ID (only from asset details)

    • Work Order ID

    • Work Order Name

    • Work Order Description

    • Document type and document number details (optional)

  3. To add a deep link, click on the Asset Number details icon, then select column properties.

    1. Click the Interaction tab

    2. Select Action Links as the value.

    3. Add an Action Link by clicking the + symbol in the Action Links region.

    4. The New Action Link dialog box will open. On it:

      1. Click the left most running man icon. From the list of options, select the Navigate to a Web Page.

      2. The New Action Link dialog box will display a URL field. On it:

        1. Click the Define Parameters button. A Define Parameter region will appear below the URL field.

        2. Click the + symbol to create a new parameter. A parameter region will appear.

        3. Define four new unique parameter rows, as follows:

          • Row 1: ORA_MNT_ASSET

          • Row 2: EDIT

          • Row 3: select the drop down option of column Value for Asset ID. The full name of the value is Maintenance Management - Asset Real Time, Asset Details, Asset ID.

          • Row 4: select the drop down option of column Value for Asset Number. The full name of the value is Maintenance Management - Work Order Real Time, Asset Details, Asset ID.

        4. After the parameter rows are defined, you can define the URL for the deep link to use these parameter rows.

          Enter the URL as: https://<servername>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=@{1}&action=@{2}&objKey=assetId=@{3};assetNumber=@{4}

          The {1} references parameter row 1, {2} references parameter row 2, and so on.

          Here's an example of a standard URL for a deep link: https://<environment name>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=ORA_MNT_ASSET&action=EDIT&objKey=assetId=<assetId value>;assetNumber=<asset number value>

        5. Finally, click Options on the New Action Link dialog box. Select the Open in new window check box

        6. Click OK to save and close the New Action Link dialog box.

        The link is defined in the column properties of the asset number.

  4. To test, render the analysis and retrieve asset data. You should see a hyperlink on the Asset Number field. Click the link and a new browser tab should render and display the Edit Asset details page or similar