How You Print Maintenance Work Order Details

The Work Order Details Report contains a list of work orders and their operation details, describing how to perform a specific maintenance activity. You have the flexibility to control the creation, view, download and printing of the report using a .PDF format.

The work order details report contains the following information to assist you to in planning and completing the work order:

  • Work order header details, including project number and task number for project-specific work orders

  • Work definition details

  • Work order operations, materials, resources, and resource instances

  • Attachments such as work instructions, design docs, and so on

Note: The report references only the Operation Material Items for Work Orders in the contextual Maintenance Organization. However, you can't generate a report across Maintenance Organizations.

You can access one of several Work Order Details Reports from multiple pages in the application:

  • Manage Maintenance Work Orders page

    You can generate the report for a single work order row returned in the results table by selecting the row level action labeled Print to PDF and Print Work Order Details. This action generates a single on-demand report in .PDF format for you to review.

    This report will automatically include any work order attachments.

  • Maintenance Management work area task panel

    The task Print Work Orders Details navigates you to a report page. This page enables you to run a scheduled process to generate and view the work order details report based on one or more optional report parameters. Optionally, you can use the advanced options to schedule the report to run on a schedule.

    This page includes two unique parameters:

    • Include Attachments

      By default, this parameter is set to Yes. Therefore, each report will include work order attachments. However, you can deselect this option before submitting the process.

    • Single output file

      By default, this parameter is set to No. Therefore, the report output will create a unique .PDF files for each work order. However, you can check this option before submitting the process, which will then combine all the work orders into a single output file.

    No Output tab under the Advanced options:

    You cant' pick the format or destination, always use as an .PDF output file in the process.

    The report will be for work orders only in the contextual organization. You can change the Organization in the landing page header and run the report again for any Maintenance Organization.

  • Scheduled Processes page

    You can schedule a process to generate a similar Work Order Details report from this page. The parameters are slightly different, but the advanced options are the same. However, you can neither include attachments nor a single output file option. Hence, individual output files for each work order are created.

    Output tab under the Advanced options:

    You can pick the format and destination options.

    The report will also be for Work Orders only in the contextual Maintenance Organization.

The Print Work Order Details page provides the following parameters that you can select from or enter to generate the report. You must define at least one of the several parameters to generate the report. These parameters include a work order number from or to value, or a start date from or to value. You can define these parameters either individually or grouped together to control a range of work order numbers or start dates.



From Work Order

The first work order number in the range of work orders for which the work order details report is to be generated.

To Work Order

The last work order number in the range of work orders for which the work order details report is to be generated.

From Work Order Start Date

The first date in the range of work order start dates for which the work order details report is to be generated.

To Work Order Start Date

The last date in the range of work order start dates for which the work order details report is to be generated.

Work Order Asset

The asset for which the maintenance work is being done per the work order.

Work Order Status

You can select from the following work order statuses:

  • Unreleased

  • Released

  • On Hold

  • Canceled

  • Completed

  • Closed

The default is blank.

Include Attachments

You can include the following type of attachments:

  • Short text

  • Long text

  • Image file

  • URL

  • File attachments

Single output file

If set to No (default), then individual output files are created for each work order.

If set to Yes, then a single consolidated file of all the work orders is created.

Note: This option is only available from the Print Work Order Details page.

Project Number

The number of the project. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Note: This option will only appear for the project enabled organizations.

Task Number

The number of the task. This is applicable only for project-specific work orders.

Note: This option will only appear for the project enabled organizations.