Navigate from OTBI Reports to Quality Issues and Actions

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (OTBI) reports provide a deep perception of situations in quality issues and actions. Navigating from an OTBI report to the actual record in Quality Management helps you take quick and appropriate action on specific objects.

Let's create a report with links that will take you directly to the object in the report. Firstly, begin by searching where you can copy the basic URL format for an object's deep link.

  1. Navigate to Tools > Deep Links list where you start creating your dynamic URL.

  2. Search for Quality and from the search results click Quality Action.

  3. From the search results, you can find the action and the object type to use. Copy the URL and paste it into a text file

  4. Add the remaining details to the URL like the object key. Example: &objKey=issueId=<ISSUE_ID>

In the Overview page of the Quality Management work area, expand the Reports and Analytics side panel and click the Browse Catalog icon to navigate to OTBI.

  1. From the Catalog pane, click New and select the Analysis option.

  2. From the panel that opens, select a Subject Area. For example: Enterprise Quality Issues Real Time.

  3. Double-click the column names in the Subject Areas pane to add them to the analysis.

  4. You must add the Object Name and ID. Other columns of data are optional. For example: If you're creating navigation to Quality Management, Quality Issue Name, Issue ID must be available in the query found in Quality Issues Details.

  5. Set Issues ID to a Number Format.

    1. In the Issue ID column (Selected Columns), click the wheel icon and select Column Properties.

    2. In the Column Properties dialog, from the Data Format tab, select the Override Default Data Format check box.

    3. Change the Treat Numbers As field to Number and set the Decimal Places to Zero.

    4. Click OK.

  6. Set Name to a URL, so that it opens the selected object in another tab.

    1. In the Issue Name column ( Selected Columns), click the wheel icon and select Column Properties.

    2. Click Interaction. Select Actions Links from the Primary Interaction list to add a new link format.

    3. Click the plus icon to add a new action link. In the New Action Link dialog, click the Create New Action icon and select Navigate to a Web Page.

    4. Enter the URL of the work area that you want to navigate from OTBI.

      For quality actions, use https://<hostname>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=ACTIONS&action=EDIT&objKey=actionId=<ACTION_ID>

      For quality issues, use https://<hostname>/fscmUI/faces/deeplink?objType=ISSUES&action=EDIT&objKey=issueId=<ISSUE_ID>

  7. Let's Define Parameters.

    1. Click Define Parameters.

    2. In the "objKey" row, click the list icon in the Value column and select Column Value. Now click the Column Value list icon and select "Enterprise Quality Issues Real Time"."Quality Issues Details"."Issue ID" from the list.

    3. In the URL field, add issueId (or actionId) into the URL so that the final part shows as: &objKey=issueId=@{3}

    4. Check the Fixed and Hidden check boxes for each row.

    5. Click Options and the Action Options window opens.

    6. Check the 'Open in New Window' check box and click OK. You return to the Create New Action window.

  8. Click OK. You return to the New Action Link window.

  9. Click OK. You return to the Column Properties window.

  10. Check the 'Don't display in a pop-up if only one action link is available at runtime' check box.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Save the report. Click Results to display the report values.

  13. Click any object name link and the quality issue or action opens in the Edit page in Quality Management.

Note: The link to the quality issue or action is enabled only if the deep link is configured in reports.

For more details, refer the Subject Areas for Transactional Business Intelligence in SCM guide.