Workflow Status Sequences

When you define statuses in a workflow template, you can set the sequence of the statuses in the workflow. The sequence you set reflects the order in which the statuses appear on the user interface.

On initiating a workflow, the quality issue or action moves either to the next or the previous status, based on the sequence of the statuses. Specifying autopromote and autodemote settings for a workflow status automatically executes promotion and demotion of the workflow.

An approval step can follow another approval step if you're manually promoting the object from one status to another. If autopromote is set up, this isn't recommended because approvers for the second step may be not added yet.

If the object is rejected at a certain status in the workflow, you can only demote it. You can change status to any status defined in the workflow, as long as its sequence number is lower than that of the current status.

Note: When you assign a workflow to an issue or action, after defining a workflow template, it moves from the Draft status to the first status (mostly Open). That's when the workflow template is copied into the workflow instance for that specific issue or action. Any future changes to the workflow template doesn't affect the workflow instance. Workflow instances follow defined workflow templates. Ensure that you define the workflow template in the sequence you want it to appear. The order that's set in the workflow template at the time of kicking off the workflow is the sequence that will show in the workflow instance.