Workflow Templates

This topic discusses how you can define workflow templates for a quality action or issue.

Apart from defining workflow templates for Quality Management in the Setup and Maintenance work area, you can also create, edit, view, duplicate and search for them.

To create a workflow template:

  1. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  2. Select Product Management from the Setup menu.

  3. From the list of Functional Areas, click Quality Issue and Action Management.

  4. From the list of Tasks, click Manage Workflow Templates for Product Lifecycle Management.

  5. From the Actions menu, click Create to create a workflow template.

You can define multiple statuses, but you will derive them from the following standard status types:

  • Open

  • Interim Approval

  • Approval

  • Completed

The Approval Details panel appears only for the Approval and Interim Approval status type and not for the Open, Scheduled and Completed status types. You can edit the status sequences and approval details of a workflow template. For the Approval and Interim Approval status, define Ready-to-use approvers and optional approvers. The list of the approvers appear in a table-view. Select One for a single approver and All for all the approvers in the Reviewers list, to approve the workflow. Duplicating a workflow template copies the Workflow Status and the Status Details table. Notifications are sent to approvers, when the workflow reaches a certain status or on its approval or rejection. You can also export the workflow templates to an Excel sheet.

Note: In Quality Management, predefined workflow templates are read-only. However, the end date is editable to enable deactivation of the predefined workflow template.