Order Details View

The Order Details view lets you see the shipment receipts over time. You can see the lead-time trend chart and also the tabular view of order details.

The chart view helps you:
  • Examine historical order information for a category's supplier, supplier site, and item.
  • Review the historical lead time and variance to plan for an item, including the purchase order lines' order, ship, and receipt dates.
  • Determine the accuracy of the expected lead time in comparison to actual performance by understanding the pattern of past shipping data.

Table View

The following table describes some of the columns in the Order Details table:

Column Header Description
Order Date Shows the date of placing the order.
Shipping Date Shows the date when the supplier shipped the requested item.
Receipt Date Shows the date when the item was received.
Supplier Lead Time Shows the item's actual planned lead-time as listed in the supply plan for this purchase order.
Historical Lead Time Is the realized lead time for this item order line and is the difference between the actual order date and the actual ship date, less pre-processing Lead-time.
Variance Days Shows variance in number of days.
Variance Percentage Shows variance in percentage.