Supplier Lead-Time Variances View

The Suppliers tab shows details related to the items with variances, statistics on the lead-time performance such as Minimum and Maximum range, Variance days, and Variance percentage. It also shows the historical average lead time along with the suggested lead time recommendation.

You can adjust the supplier lead-time and copy it to the simulation set.

Use the advanced search and filter options in the search menu to filter the data based on the text and numerical attributes.

Table View

The following table describes some of the columns in the Supplier Lead-Time table:

Column Header Description
Item Shows the item being supplied.
Supplier Shows the supplier of the item.
Supplier Site Shows the location of the supplier.
Supplier Lead Time Shows the actual lead-time of this purchase order. Supplier lead-time can be affected by three factors: procurement, manufacturing, and shipping. Ideally, supplier actual lead time must be same as or below the historic lead time.
Historical Lead Time This is historical lead-time is the mean of all receipts for an Item-Supplier-Supplier Site combination and is the difference between the actual order date and the actual ship date less Pre-processing Lead-time.
Minimum Range This is the minimum lead time observed for the historical period.
Maximum Range This is the maximum lead time observed for the historical period.
Variance Days Is the difference between supplier lead time and historical lead time shown in number of days.
Variance Percentage Is the difference between supplier lead time and historical lead time shown in percentage.
Suggested Lead Time This is the recommended lead-time suggested for the item, supplier, supplier-site combination based on the historical lead time.
Adjusted Lead Time Use this field to enter a revised supplier lead time. You can save it to a selected simulation set.