Associate a Trading Partner with a Customer

You must associate trading partners with customers that a trading partner represents.

Here's how you associate a trading partner with a customer:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click the Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration task.

  2. Select Order to Cash as the Collaboration Business Process, enter a Customer Name or a Customer Number, and search for your customer.

    This table describes the results of the search:



    Customer Name

    Name of the customer.

    Customer Number

    Numbered identifier of the customer.

    Ship to Party

    If this field is enabled, the shipment document PROCESS_SHIPMENT_OUT is configured in Collaboration Messaging Framework for the customer.

    Collaboration Configured

    If this field is enabled, there's at least one collaboration document set up for the customer.

  3. Select the row for the customer you want to associate with a trading partner and click the Edit Collaboration Configuration tab.

  4. On the Edit Customer Collaboration Configuration page, in the Associated Service Providers section, click Actions > Add Row.

  5. Enter the values for the required fields and specify these:

    • Service Provider: If the trading partner you're associating the customer with uses a service provider, select the service provider, otherwise select None.

    • Partner ID: The trading partners associated with the selected provider (if you selected one).

    • Partner ID type: For example, D-U-N-S or data universal numbering system.

    • Sender Party ID: Identifies the trading partner who sends the outbound message. You can specify a sender party ID that overrides the global sender ID defined during set up.

    • Domain Value Map: The trading partner qualifier used to identify the domain values for the customer.

    • Order Processing Business Unit: The business unit that processes the order received from the customer. If you don't specify an order processing business unit, the order will fail during processing.

  6. In the Collaboration Documents for Service Provider section, click Actions > Add Row. In this section, you set up the documents that you want to exchange with the service providers and trading partners.

  7. Enter the values for the required fields and specify these:

    • Document: The document that you want to exchange. The list of documents displayed is filtered to show the ordering and shipping documents from the list of Order to Cash documents set up for the selected service provider and trading partner.

    • Association Status: The status of the associated document for the site and trading partner. You must set the status to Enabled for the document to be processed.

    • Primary Recipient: Determines which trading partner receives the document first if it's being sent to more than one party.

      Note: If the delivery of the document to the primary recipient fails, the document isn't sent to any other trading partners listed for that document.
  8. Click Save and Close.