Manage B2B Location Codes

You can set up B2B location codes to identify ship-to and bill-to locations for inbound order-to-cash B2B messages.

You can use the codes as an alternative to providing the full ship-to and bill-to addresses. After you set up B2B location codes, then when an inbound order includes codes specified for the bill-to and ship-to locations, Collaboration Messaging Framework retrieves the addresses and includes them in the payload.

Add a B2B Location Code

Here's how you can add a B2B location code:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration in the Tasks panel.

  2. Select Order to Cash as the Collaboration Business Process, enter a Customer Name or a Customer Number, and search for your customer.

  3. Select the row for the customer you want to associate with a trading partner and click Manage B2B Location Codes.

  4. On the Manage B2B Location Codes page, click Add Locations.

    The page displays customer sites that don't already have a location code associated with them.

  5. Select the site you want and click Add.

  6. Click Save and Close.

Edit a B2B Location Code

To edit a B2B location code for a customer site, click Manage B2B Location Codes, delete the row for your customer site, and add it again with a new B2B Location Code value.

Import B2B Location Codes

As an alternative to adding B2B location codes using the Manage B2B Location Codes tab, you can also import B2B locations using a CSV file.

The CSV file must have three columns of data with these column headers specified:

Column Header



Identifies the customer number


Identifies the customer site number


Identifies the B2B location code

Collaboration Messaging Framework identifies the columns regardless of the order in which you enter them.

Here's how you upload the CSV file to import B2B locations:

  1. In the Collaboration Messaging work area, click the Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration task.

  2. Click Import B2B Location Codes.

  3. Browse and select the CSV file, and click OK.

    A message displays the scheduled process identifier, which you can use to review the status of the import process from Scheduled Processes.

  4. On the Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration page, click Done.

    Note: You can submit the process for importing B2B location codes only by using the Manage Customer Collaboration Configuration task > Import B2B Location Codes.

XPath to Include B2B Location Codes Payload

The list of XPath to identify where to include the B2B location codes in the payload so that the ship-to and bill-to addresses can be retrieved and included in the payload are:


Header or Line Level on Order

Ship-To or Bill-To Code

XPath of Inbound Message

XPath of Transformed Message

Purchase Order - Inbound

Header level


CollaborationMessage/BusinessObjectDocument/DataArea/ PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderHeader/ShipToParty/Location/IDSet/ID[./@ typeCode="PartySiteId"]

/Request/InboundCollaborationDocument/ DOO_ORDERS/DOO_ORDER/DooOrderHeadersAllInt/ DooOrderAddressesInt/PartySiteId

Purchase Order - Inbound

Header level


CollaborationMessage/BusinessObjectDocument/DataArea/PurchaseOrder/ PurchaseOrderHeader/BillToParty/Location/IDSet/ID[./@ typeCode="AccountSiteUseId"]

/Request/InboundCollaborationDocument/ DOO_ORDERS/DOO_ORDER/DooOrderHeadersAllInt/ DooOrderAddressesInt/AccountSiteUseId

Purchase Order - Inbound

Line level


CollaborationMessage/BusinessObjectDocument/DataArea/ PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/IDSet/ID[./@ typeCode="PartySiteId"]

/Request/InboundCollaborationDocument/ DOO_ORDERS/DOO_ORDER/DooOrderLinesAllInt/ DooOrderAddressesInt/PartySiteId

Purchase Order - Inbound

Line level


CollaborationMessage/BusinessObjectDocument/DataArea/ PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/BillToParty/Location/IDSet/ID[./@ typeCode="AccountSiteUseId"]

/Request/InboundCollaborationDocument/ DOO_ORDERS/DOO_ORDER/DooOrderLinesAllInt/ DooOrderAddressesInt/AccountSiteUseId

Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment - Outbound

Line level


/processOutboundCollaboration/OutboundCollaboration/ GetOrderDetailsResponse/Order/OrderLine/ShipToPartySiteIdentifier

CollaborationMessage/BusinessObjectDocument/DataArea/ PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/Location/ IDSet/ID[./@ typeCode="PartySiteId"]

Purchase Order Acknowledgment - Outbound

Line level


/processOutboundCollaboration/OutboundCollaboration/ GetOrderDetailsResponse/Order/OrderLine/ShipToPartySiteIdentifier

CollaborationMessage/BusinessObjectDocument /DataArea/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrderLine/ShipToParty/ Location/IDSet/ID[./@ typeCode="PartySiteId"]