View Adjustments in Supplier Ship and Debit

You can view your manual adjustments from the Manage Supplier Ship and Debit Adjustments page.

  • Search for an adjustment based on adjustment number, order number, or supplier site. You can create saved searches and select one of them as your default search option. Keyword and search filters must both apply.

  • Click Show Filters to see the available filters.

  • Select any row and click the Duplicate icon to create a duplicate of the row. The duplicate row copies these attributes: Business Unit, Program, Supplier Site, and Invoice.

  • Select the Export to Excel icon to export the filtered adjustments to a spreadsheet.

    • If the number of adjustment lines is less than or equal to 500, then the spreadsheet is available immediately, and is directly downloaded by your browser.

    • If the number of lines is greater than 500, then the spreadsheet is generated in the background and becomes available in the Notifications area of the application.