Return Material Authorization

A return material authorization (RMA) is a return order that customers use to ship items back to your company for either repair or to receive credit for the returned items.

You can import fiscal documents for sales order returns with or without source document details. Source document can be an actual RMA order number or Original Sales Order number. Here's the logic how the sales order returns are processed, and the RMA is automatically derived:

  • If the source document number matches an existing RMA order number, that RMA number is used for further processing.

  • If no records are found matching the RMA order, then the information against the original sales order is checked.

  • If a matching record is found, then the return orders open against the original sales order are accessed and that RMA order is assigned to the fiscal document.

  • If there are multiple open RMA orders, the quantity value with an exact match is used.

  • If the quantities don't match, the RMA order which has the same date as that of the fiscal document date is assigned.

As source document information isn't mandatory in the fiscal document, here's how the following tasks are automatically performed:

  • RMA orders are filtered using the customer information on the fiscal document, which includes issuer, receiver, ship from and ship to taxpayer IDs.

  • Once the orders are filtered as above, the RMA order line is assigned with an exact quantity match to the fiscal document quantity.

  • If the quantities don't match, the RMA order which has same date as that of the fiscal document date is assigned.

  • If there is no date match, the oldest open RMA order is assigned to the fiscal document.

During the fiscal document capture, if more than one site is found then:
  • The application automatically searches for an existing RMA considering the Bill to BU, CNPJ and first item from FD. If a single RMA is found, then the corresponding customer site details will be considered.
  • If more than one RMA is found, then you must enter the corresponding “Bill to BU” to proceed further.
  • If no RMA information exists, then only when an RMA is available to be associate with the fiscal document the FD is processed further.