Set Up Rules That Create Supply Orders

Set up rules that manage your supply orders.

Assume you must create a rule.

  • If Supply Orchestration receives a transfer order, then ship it through Order Management.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the task.

    • Offering: Manufacturing and Supply Chain Materials Management

    • Functional Area: Supply Chain Orchestration

    • Task: Manage Supply Order Defaulting and Enrichment Rules

  2. On the Manage Supply Order Defaulting and Enrichment Rules page, click Create New Rule.

  3. Enter values.



    Rule Name

    Ship Transfer Orders Through Order Management

  4. Specify the type of order you need.

    Use the Create Condition dialog to specify whether you need a purchase order, make order, or transfer order according to the type of supply request.

    In this example, you need a transfer order.

    • In the IF, area click New Condition.

    • In the Create Condition dialog, enter Requested Supply Type, wait a moment, then click Requested Supply Type (Supply Order#Supply Line).

    • Set the condition to Is Equal to Transfer, then click OK.

  5. Click Then > Do.

  6. In the Do area, click New Action > Perform an Action.

  7. In the Create Action dialog, choose Ship Through Order Management.

  8. Set the Ship Through Order Management Flag attribute to Yes, then click OK.

Example Rule for Work Orders

Here's an example of a rule that processes a work order.

rule that processes a work order.

It states.

  • If the Requested Supply Type attribute is equal to Make, then set the Work Order Status attribute to Released.