Integrate Attachments in Order Management

Use transformation and web services to integrate attachments in Order Management.

  1. Allow Order Management to receive sales order attachments from an order capture system. Collect the attachment category during orchestration data collection.

  2. Transform the sales order, including attachment attributes, into ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentEBM.

    This step transforms the Order Management message, including attachment attributes, into a format that the order fulfillment system can process. Note that Order Management doesn't accept attachments from the order fulfillment system, so it isn't necessary to map attachments from the order fulfillment system message into a format that Order Management can use in the response from the order fulfillment system.

  3. Allow Order Management to send sales order attachments to your fulfillment system. Call the AttachmentsAM web service and use it to select and send attachments according to the type of fulfillment request and the attachment category.

  4. Call the SalesOrderOrchestrationService web service.

    Specify the mapping in the request body to SalesOrderOrchestrationService. For example, here's a request that get the attachments that one fulfillment line references.

      <ns1:getAttachment xmlns:ns1="">
        <ns1:dooGetParameters xmlns:ns2="">
          <ns2:sourcePK1Value>100000045762 </ns2:sourcePK1Value>
  5. Make a call in the to the order fulfillment system to get the attachments that each fulfillment line references and the corresponding order header.