Use Different Line Types

Order Management comes predefined to send the ORA_BUY line type to Pricing Administration. If you use any other line type in your price list, then you must specify it on your service mapping.

Assume you:

  • Add an item to a price list in Pricing Administration and set the item's Line Type to any value that isn't ORA_BUY on the price list. In this example, assume you set it to MY_LINE_TYPE_1.
  • Use the predefined Sales service mapping.

Here's what you need to do.

  1. Go to the Pricing Administration work area, then click Tasks > Manage Service Mappings.

    For details, see How Service Mappings, Pricing Algorithms, and Matrixes Work Together.

  2. On the Manage Service Mappings page, query for, then open the Sales service mapping.
  3. On the Edit Service Mappings page, click Sources, then click the row that has OrderCatalogLine in the Source column.
  4. In the OrderCatalogLine Details area, on the Entity Mappings tab, click the row that has Line in the Entity column.
  5. On the Attribute Mappings tab, notice the row that has this value.
    Attribute Expression
    LineTypeCode (LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_BUY'))?'ORA_BUY':(LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_RETURN')||LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_CREDIT_ONLY')||LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_CANCEL')?'ORA_RETURN':'ORA_BUY')
  6. Add your line type to the expression (the bold text):
    Attribute Expression
    LineTypeCode (LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_BUY'))?'ORA_BUY':(LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_RETURN')||LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_CREDIT_ONLY')||LineTypeCode.equals('ORA_CANCEL')?'ORA_RETURN':(LineTypeCode.equals('MY_LINE_TYPE_1'))?'MY_LINE_TYPE_1':'ORA_BUY')

How Come the Price on the Catalog Line and the Order Line Aren't the Same?

Order Management comes predefined to price an item on the catalog line according to the ORA_BUY line type. If your set up uses any other line type, then the price that you see on the order line might be different from the price that you see on the catalog line.

For example, you create a pretransformation rule that sets the line type to any value other than ORA_BUY, such as MY_LINE_TYPE_1. Next, you set up a different price on your price list or discount list for your item on a line type that isn't ORA_BUY, such as MY_LINE_TYPE_1. If you add the item to an order line, then Order Management will display the price for the MY_LINE_TYPE_1 line type on the order line. For details, see How Pricing Calculates the Catalog Line.