Parent and Child Receiving Transactions

Use the Transaction History page to view an item's transaction history as if it were a family tree with parent and child transactions.

From the time of receipt, many transactions may be required to record the movement of an item through the receiving and inspection process. For example, after being received, you can transfer, inspect, and then put away an item. You can keep track of an item since these transactions are linked together.

These aspects are important regarding parent and child relationships for receiving transactions:

  • Parent and child relationship conditions

  • Parent and child relationship example

  • Transaction history

Parent and Child Relationship Conditions

A parent transaction can have one or more child transactions, but a child transaction has only one parent transaction.

Parent and Child Relationship Example

A receipt is received and then transferred. The receipt transaction is the parent of the transfer transaction, while the transfer transaction is the child of the receipt transaction.

Transaction History

The Transaction History page displays parent transaction information to help you determine the status of the item for which you're entering a transaction. For example, if you're about to transfer an item from Receiving Dock 1 to Inspection Area A, you can verify that the parent transaction's location is Receiving Dock 1. The Transaction History page also displays the parent transaction's unit of measure (UOM) and available quantity. The Transaction History page shows the individual transaction quantities in transaction UOMs. This is particularly helpful for receipts with inspection, put away, and return transactions in different UOMs since the Receipt (Summary) page shows the quantities in an item's primary UOM. The available quantity is significant because you can't enter a quantity for a current transaction that's greater than the parent transaction's available quantity. For example, if you have received 10, you can inspect only up to a quantity of 10. The Transaction History page also displays the inspection result for a parent transaction if the given material has been accepted or rejected as part of an inspection.